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I finally got my Eudora to SEND e-mails!

baxtif70 Posts: 1 Newcomer

I tried to update the original thread, but it had already been closed. In case anyone is wondering about why I (and others) care about this situation so much, it is because I have around 30 years of e-mails stored and filed in this program. Yes, I did have Thunderbird already installed on my PC for an emergency such as this. In fact, it was able to both send & receive e-mails during this stoppage using Thunderbird. Reference this thread:

About 6-8 weeks ago, Eudora STOPPED SENDING e-mails via my PC through Spectrum. I was still able to receive e-mails but not send them. I called Spectrum, and they said nothing had changed on their end. They did say that as they continually updated their equipment, older programs such as Eudora probably wouldn't work anymore, and that their equipment updates had started back in June 2024. However, I could not get them to understand that Eudora was a standalone software program. They kept referring to it like it was a public e-mail/other webmail hosted by another server, such as Yahoo or Gmail. They kept telling me to work it out with the other client. Just like the poster in the other thread mentioned, they could not tell me what had changed on their side. Nothing in Eudora had changed. My settings were the same. I had even tried their suggested settings, but nothing worked. Since I was able to access, send, & receive my e-mail via Spectrum's webmail, they ended any further discussion about my e-mail not working, and they were not going to assist me any further.

I called back the next day since the first person didn't seem to fully understand what Eudora was. The second person was less helpful until she finally admitted that she worked in billing and was not an actual tech person. I called back again, and the third person at least tried to help me with suggesting different ports and Secure Socket settings. Since there were going to be a myriad of combinations to try, I was at least hopeful now that I might find the correct one going forward.

Oddly enough, about 1 week ago, my e-mails started coming in to Eudora the fastest that I've ever seen them download, and it is still continuing to this day. I have no idea what started that to happen, but it is a nice effect.

I won't go over every setting that I have, such as ports or Secure Sockets (since that is set to Never in mine). I am going to assume that others will have similar settings to mine since theirs were previously working. What made the difference this last attempt was 2 settings that I changed alone, and they were even referenced in the original thread. From the menu at the top, start with Tools > Options…

A) In the Getting Started tab and the Sending Mail tab, there is a checkbox for Allow Authentication. Make sure it is checked in both tabs. Checking the box in one tab checks it in the other tab. At least, that was my experience.

B) In the Getting Started tab, change the User Name to the full e-mail address. I think this is what made the most difference since I had already been systematically trying multiple combinations of other settings, and I hadn't tried this one at all, yet. When you actually go to send an e-mail at this point in time, it will ask you to manually enter your password just as if you were adding a new e-mail account (or setting it up for the first time).

If anyone is still having problems after trying these two changes, I will post my other settings if asked for specific ones. I will try to monitor this thread for awhile for such questions. I apologize for all of the other fluff and waiting until the end to post my actual findings, but I thought it might be helpful to some degree for someone else.

Good luck!