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Port 25565 is still blocked after forwarding?

I am attempting to host a Minecraft Server for me and my friends.

I've forwarded the port in my router for both TCP and UDP protocols

I have also allowed those connections through my firewall

But when I use a site like

Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router

it shows port 25565 is still closed and I cannot connect to my server externally

Best Answer

  • Edward_T
    Edward_T Posts: 112 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @JMelendrez612;

    Welcome to the Community Forums. We do not block any ports on the Spectrum network. A port scanning application will show a port as blocked if the device is not actively using the port. You will need to open the program that you intend to use the port with and then use the scanner tool again. If you are still having trouble running the server then I would recommend you contact the company running Minecraft for additional suggestions.
