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Symmetrical internet speeds for DFW

SPC1430 Posts: 28 Contributor

Any update to the schedule? Previous response from William_M was:

"High split to be enabled 8/19/2024 but symmetrical speeds won't be available until 11/19/2024. "

No joy yet. Is the date specific to Rockwall or general for metro area? What is your understanding of the difference between high-split and pre-high-split? Back in Sptember, a CSR told me my account was labeled pre-high-split.

Best Answer

  • Edward_T
    Edward_T Posts: 112 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @SPC1430;

    I reviewed the schedule and confirmed that your area will see the upgrades start at the end of Feb 2025 but these upgrades can take several months. The symmetrical speeds will not take affect till all upgrades are completed in the area. The pre-high split reference just indicates that the area is getting ready to do the upgrades.


  • SPC1430
    SPC1430 Posts: 28 Contributor

    My Tivo is acting a little odd. Has Spectrum restored the OOB channel for DFW high-split and/or pre-high split customers? OOB is shifted or removed as part of the high-split upgrades.