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seasonal plus status

ralphr Posts: 4 Spectator


Back in November i went into Seasonal plus status(the one with slow internet). Since then approximately every 7 days I loose internet. when i login to spectrum.net to restart the internet modem, i get "equipment restart unsuccessful". I called spectrum and they gave me a new modem, because the existing one is old. I go to install the modem and and spectrum wont let me install it becuase i am in seasonal status. Call spectrum again and they say there are drops on my line. dispatch a technician, he replaces a connector or 2 and removes an old amp/booster. I asked him to replace the modem and he said he wasnt allowed to because i was in seasonal status. Anyway he was there last week and i have the same issue again. Any ideas of what i can do. 3 weeks ago i updated the firmware on the wifi router. My problem started right after i went into seasonal status. Seasonal status now has a 1 meg download speed. last year I believe it was 10 meg. Any ideas of what i can do?

Best Answer

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,172 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi & welcome!

    I was able to locate your account using your registration information and it looks like you already called in to troubleshoot this issue. When you called, you advised that you are using your own third party router. We are not seeing any connection issues, other than the lowered bandwidth which is expected on a seasonal hold. It appears that the issue is with your third party router, and you would need to troubleshoot with the router manufacturer to determine if there is a solution that can be implemented remotely. It would also be helpful to have someone on site to troubleshoot.

    If you have any other questions, please let us know.



  • ralphr
    ralphr Posts: 4 Spectator

    ok, i will try another router.

  • ralphr
    ralphr Posts: 4 Spectator
    edited January 23

    ok, i hooked up another wifi router on 1/18. So far so good.

    when i login to my account and go to


    I get the message:

    Your Internet Status Is Unavailable

    I am not connected to the home network, when i attempt this.

  • Jilliana_M
    Jilliana_M Posts: 97 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hey @ralphr!

    Thank you for following up! I am sorry to hear you are still experiencing connection issues. When switching the router, were you able to reboot the modem as well? Also, can you please confirm what you mean by "I am not connected to the home network, when I attempt this."…? Were you able to connect any device to your home network?

  • ralphr
    ralphr Posts: 4 Spectator


    Its up running and working since Saturday. I didnt reboot the modem this time, but the week before i did. What I mean was I was not connected directly to the wifi router in Lake George. I was connected to a wifi router 40 miles away. So I was wondering if the message

    Your Internet Status Is Unavailable

    is because I was directly connected to the local lake george wifi?

  • Jilliana_M
    Jilliana_M Posts: 97 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thank you for clarifying. It is a possibility. Are you able to test the connection when you are home? If you are unable to, we can definitely schedule an appointment with one of our field technicians.