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Another Cloud DVR issue with Roku

jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

Recently, the Cloud DVR issues are starting to happen again at least on the Spectrum app for Roku. The shows are recording on Cloud DVR, but there are moments that you cannot access the recording through the app, even though I can access that same cloud recording on a PC.

For example, Gold rush which recorded tonight (1/17), I select it in the library on the app for Roku and it will not go into the recording to play, it just goes back to the library of saved shows. It is not just this show though, there are others. It may take a few hours for that to start working or even a day.

No issue on the computer though. I can log into my Spectrum account, go to the library and watch the same shows that are having issues on the Spectrum app in Roku.

Also, no issues on the Spectrum app for Apple. Works on my Ipad as well.

So, it must be something with the Spectrum app on Roku. I have restarted the Roku and it has not worked either.


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    Also, not happening on the Spectrum Android app either on my phone.

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 864 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello! I do apologize for the issues with our app on the Roku. Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall the app on the Roku? If not can you try that?

    If you have can you please try to reset the modem to see if that would help?


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    Happening on multiple Rokus, it is not an install issue.

    Modem was reset yesterday by Spectrum, due to slow internet upload issues which was resolved with the automated system resetting the modem. Modem working normally.

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    Can you report this to technical support? Thank you.

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    This is the same type of issue that started occurring when Cloud DVR services started degrading about a year ago.

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    Some additional details for your tech support:

    2 of the 3 shows just started working roughly 45 minutes after reporting this. Nothing was done on my end to correct it after my initial attempts. Of the 3 shows, one had finished recording and is now accessible, one still recording and is now accessible and one still recording and is not accessible as yet.

    So, it is definitely some Cloud DVR technical issue.

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 864 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    I understand the frustration. I am not seeing any other reports as of yet for this issue as our team also handles customers through various social media platforms not just the community.

    Generally speaking with the cloud DVR service it is best to wait until the program finishes recording to play it.

    I would suggest keeping an eye on the issue and if you see it get worse or start to happen on other devices let us know.


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    When you say that the cloud DVR service it is best to wait until the program finishes recording to play it, doesn't explain why an Android, Apple and the computer all have no issues with the same recorded and content being recorded and the Roku app does.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,832 Contributor

    When you say that the cloud DVR service it is best to wait until the program finishes recording to play it, doesn't explain why an Android, Apple and the computer all have no issues with the same recorded and content being recorded and the Roku app does.

    What's up?

    It's different code used in different operating systems. I have mentioned this in other threads for users complaining about Roku integrating with Spectrum. If you want cloud DVR, rent a XUMO box from Spectrum with Cloud DVR service. (Get Cloud DVR+ for more storage and longer storage.) If you want traditional DVR, rent a traditional DVR box from Spectrum. Both issues get rid of the problems and blame games with third-party hardware on Spectrum. Keeping your Spectrum equipment all Spectrum is insurance that the issues that develop will managed and maintained by Spectrum.

    You keep that Roku on Spectrum, Roku will blame Spectrum for the issues, non-stop. Spectrum in turn will blame Roku for the issues non-stop, and resolutions could likly only be temporary.

    However, if customers keep Spectrum equipment with Spectrum management of equipment it keeps any problems and solutions easier to manage without bringing a third party hardware into the mix. This applies to all third party hardware. Keep your integrated equipment maintained and managed by the same company whenever possible.


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor


    Could you leave the technical advice to the Spectrum people? Cloud DVR is not immune from issues with any brand Xumo or otherwise, nor is it immune by using a cable box. I have had similar past issue while using cable boxes DVR's, cable boxes with cloud DVR and with android and apple products. None of those products are immune from technical issues within Spectrum's cloud service. Considering you advised people to not use antivirus, I will take your comments with a grain of salt.

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  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,832 Contributor
    edited January 19

    Considering you advised people to not use antivirus, I will take your comments with a grain of salt.

    I never said that,

    My response was that operating system updates are more important than AV, because AV only protects what it knows or "thinks" might be malware. Up to date AV is certainly better than no protection, but an up to date OS protects better against threats than an up to date AV. Equally important is a securely encrypted network.

    Check videos on YouTube or Google Search what is best.


  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hey @jWS9518, @ohmark, there is now an open ticket for customers experiencing the inability to playback "InProgress" recordings from the MyLibrary on Roku. This will be corrected as soon as possible. Thanks for helping bring the issue to our attention!

    Please also note anyone is allowed to provide their advice here, a primary purpose of the community is to facilitate peer to peer support, though it is also wise to take anything provided by someone other than a Spectrum moderator with a grain of salt.

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  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor
    edited January 19

    @William_M Thanks for the assistance. I posted the issue here so Spectrum was made aware and others could post if they noticed a similar issue. I can appreciate others posting or trying to help, but some of that information is bad advice or unwarranted or some try to represent themselves like they are part of Spectrum or experts in some things they are not, which can lead to misleading information.

    I think I will trust my own experience with computers, Satch.

  • Unknown
    edited January 21
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  • Lyn_T
    Lyn_T Posts: 608 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    I am sorry this is happening. Have you attempted to reset the ROKU device? Also, can you make sure there are no updates for your ROKU that are outstanding? -Lyn

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor


    Understand that this resetting does nothing and there are no recent updates for the Roku. Not only multiple people have posted here but they are also posting about the issues on Reddit and Roku's site. These are some of the same issues that starting occurring months ago when Cloud DVR degraded badly for all users.

    This is CLEARLY a Cloud DVR technical issue that is causing people issues that started occurring approximately 10 to 14 days ago.

    Even another moderator here indicated that is a ticket open on this and Spectrum is supposedly working on this, so it is obvious that resetting and trying to update does nothing but wastes user's time.

  • Ctgfromaz_63
    Ctgfromaz_63 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I thought it was just us. I’m so glad I found this discussion. We have been dealing with this for a few days and it was driving us crazy because we knew it worked previously. It’s very annoying not being able to go into a show that is recording while recording and start watching it. This absolutely needs to be fixed…..sooner taste than later. We just bought a new Roku stick but it is doing it on all of them and we have reset are modem so all things possible have been done. Please fix this.

  • Raggins
    Raggins Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same problem here. Set DVR to record football game while I was out on a run. Got back, found program in my library and clicked on it and nothing happens. This happens with every program I have set to record in advance and I have to wait until the program is over to view. So I guess I am supposed to watch the second half of program the go back and watch the beginning. And, Spectrum just increased my bill.

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  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hey @ohmark! Our engineers are still working on a fix for this but have not provided any estimates at this time. Please note this is only impacting in-progress recordings from the My Library on Roku so there are several work-arounds including using a device other than Roku, waiting until the show is over to start viewing, or starting it through the guide instead of My Library. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience, it will be corrected as soon as possible.

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor
    edited January 26

    @William_M Then Spectrum should be providing some partial credit for Cloud DVR service to affected customers since it has been at least 3 weeks since this started occurring.

  • Unknown
    edited January 27
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  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited January 29

    We would not be able to subsidize another device. I can forward feedback about providing partial credits, but I will re-iterate that the cloud DVR remains 100% functional despite the known issue. Even if you do not have a non Roku device you wish to view it on, and do not want to wait until the live program ends to start viewing your recording, as you @ohmark pointed out you can still start the program from the guide. I understand this is less convenient than starting from My Library, and this will be fixed as soon as is possible.

  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor
    edited January 29

    Neither of those suggestions are really helpful for a lot of users. I think there are a number of users who would dispute that Cloud DVR is 100 percent functional. I would argue that over the past year that it has ever been 100 percent functional.

    Going to the guide to watch a live game and seeing the score before restarting is not a helpful suggestion either.

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  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor
    edited February 11


    Unless Spectrum has changed something recently, that is not correct. Prior to getting rid of all my DVR boxes, I had both Cloud DVR and DVR boxes and used both for over a year.

    @ohmark The issue has improved a bit at least on my end as I have not seen as many problems the last week or so. I can't say about the game though as I watched that live as opposed to recording. But you are right, I have not seen any updates regarding the issue. There was an app update for Spectrum on Roku in the last day or so. You might want to try to check to see if there is an update for the app.