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Modem provisioning issue?

Have the 600 ultra plan. Only getting 400. This is with direct connected testing to multiple sites including spectrums own. Started a few months ago, before that, it was 600. All signal levels are fine. Is there a way to get my modem profile checked and this fixed?
Best Answer
Hello @zophood and Welcome to the Community Forums!
For the modem model we see that's on the account associated with this login for the forums, this is not a model that's compatible with our network anymore due to upgrades with software and such. What we'd recommend, at the least for now til you decide how you'd like to proceed, get one of our modems, it's rental that's apart of the base service. Then you can use your router until you decide the approach you want to take. If you find a modem here you'd prefer to use, you're more than welcome to get it. If so, just give us a call once you're ready to have it added to your account.