Suggestions and Feedback

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Great Service!

Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited February 27 in Suggestions and Feedback

Yesterday my cable/Internet went out. An appointment was made for the next day, before the day was over I got a call that a tech was available earlier. Within a few hours Ricardo arrived, tested the line and found nothing coming to the house. He went up on the pole and repaired whatever had gone wrong and replaced the cable to the house. I was very happy with both Spectrum's service and Ricardo (and assistant) speedy repairs. Thank you!


  • Posts: 155 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hello @Golf25Radioman;

    Welcome to the Community Forums. It is great to hear that our technician was able to resolve the problem with our service. I have forwarded your comments to management so they are aware of how good of a job he did.

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