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Just saying thank you.

I'm sure this isn't the place for a comment, but I have to say this. Brand new customer here, due to constraints im a simple internet and wifi, i called a few days after my service to inquire ab a free mobile I hadn't claimed yet. After the phone call, I recieved an email listing new charges I didn't want. No doubt a mistake was made- probably mine for bad ears. Anyway, called back, kinda excited, ya know. I did not catch the names of the 2 gentlemen that helped me, but I'm telling everyone right now- THAT is how you retain a customer. Those guys were excellent. I hope that someone reads this, can backtrack, and thank them right. So far, I'm happy with Spectrum.
I just want to say thank you to the two gentlemen that worked on my block in staten island today Feb 10 2025. I have been having problems with tv and internet for a while and could never get it totally fixed until today they seemed to have got the problem fixed, I hope for good ,they replaced the cable in the street in three places and now every thing seems good for now will keep you posted spectrum. these guys worked in the cold and snow to get this done ,I did not know they were coming I guess Spectrum finally got my letter of complaints. I give these guys a great job well done I hope spectrum can get their names and keep them employed and doing great work always remember somebody is always watching . thank you again spectrum