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New Cable Boxes

We recently had an appointment with Spectrum and they replaced both of the cable boxes. It's always hard when you get a new cable box because you lose all your recordings and have to re-program all of your programs into the new box. Then there is an adjustment period because each box looks different, has less or more features, etc. I previously had a Motorola Box which we loved. The onscreen programming made sense, easy to navigate, was intuitive, caller ID worked, the box had a clock on the front of the box, and settings such as a power off setting for a specific time. While we are adjusting to some of the changes, we don't understand losing valuable features. Having no clock on the front is very inconvenient and the clock was useful when watching programs, recording programs etc. The boxes have the brightest lights on them and are inconvenient in sleeping areas. If you use energy savings you are lucky if you can get it to work again and powering off can result in issues as well. The new remotes are 10,000 steps backwards and while you might say they are "streamlined" we find them "not" intuitive, limited, and not the quality of the previous remotes. As Internet, cable and streaming costs continue to escalate these negative features have an impact on your customers who pay higher for your services than any other carrier. It's frustrating to not have any choice in the random frequent changes and reduction in services, quality and equipment.
Best Answer
@amiconnected_25 Thank you for the feedback! I'll be happy to pass that along.