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Unknown device

Suzieqduff Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited January 31 in Home Networking

I have an unknown device on my wifi that I’m not familiar with, its host name is 23FYG24 and I can’t figure out what the device is or how it got on my WiFi network. Can someone help me out with this please

Best Answer

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Suzieqduff

    I was able to access your account using your community registration. The device isn't providing any details other than the device name and the MAC address for the device. It does look like it was initially connected in November and the MAC address indicates that it's some form of Intel brand device. If it is not a device that you recognize, we would recommend changing the password for the WiFi network if you haven't done so already.


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor

    @Suzieqduff You can check the MAC id online to see what brand and possibly what kind of device that is. Just search online for a MAC device id website, as there are a few. If could help you narrow down what the device is. Not all devices properly identify themselves on a router. You could temporarily block it and see if one of your devices loses the network. I can't see your MAC id, but if it is an Intel device like Renee says, my guess is it is an intel wireless chip inside a computer or a device that uses an Intel wireless chip.