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How I got my Apple Time Capsule to work with the Spectrum modem in January of 2025

The Time Capsule will not work correctly with the Spectrum modem that has one ethernet plug on the back unless you perform a Hard Reset to erase the current network settings and then set up the Time Capsule again.

Although the Hard Reset will erase the network settings on the Time Capsule, it will not erase any data that might be stored on the Time Capsule hard drive.

If you want to proceed with setting up the Time Capsule again.....here are the important steps to follow:

Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the modem that connects to the Time Capsule

Power up the Time Capsule and let it run for a minute

Hold in the reset button on the back of the Time Capsule for 8-10 seconds and then release

Allow a full minute for the Time Capsule to restart to a slow blinking amber light status

Power off the Time Capsule

Power off the modem if it is on

Connect the Ethernet cable from the modem to the WAN "O" port on the back of the Time Capsule

Power up the modem and let it run for a few minutes until it has a blue light for Power and a blue light for Online. If the Online light does not go blue, call Spectrum to have them activate your new account and then it will turn to blue and be Online.

Power up the Time Capsule and let it run for a minute

Select the WiFi icon on the top of your screen and select AirPort Time Capsule from the list of WiFi routers on the network in your area.

The AirPort Utility will take a minute to display the correct setup for the Time Capsule

Follow the prompts

You can use the same Time Capsule name, Wi-Fi Network Name and password that you used before with your last internet service provider.

When the setup of the Time Capsule is complete, a green light will appear on the Time Capsule

If a slow blinking amber light appears, open AirPort Utility again and click on the picture of the Time Capsule

A small window will information about the Time Capsule will appear

Click on the amber dot next to Status and report on the message that you see there on the Apple Community support web pages and perhaps someone can help you solve that problem.