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My Spectrum App for Android Phone Not Working

Boatnmaniac Posts: 2 Spectator

The app used to work just fine but last month I was prompted to update it (via Google Play Store) and since then it does not work. It allows me to log in but then I get a blue line circle that goes around and around and never stops.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app 3 times but get the same results each time.

I thought maybe I could access My Account via the Samsung TV android app (which works fine for me) but it simply opens the My Spectrum app and I get the same failed results.

I am not using a VPN.

I'm at wits end on this. Any ideas about how to fix this situation so the app will work for me, again?

Best Answers

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 864 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community!

    I am not aware of any known issues with the My Spectrum App. I have tested my own Android device (Samsung S22) and it works fine. Do you have the My Spectrum App on any other device that you can try?


  • Boatnmaniac
    Boatnmaniac Posts: 2 Spectator
    Answer ✓

    I am using a Samsung A42G (just 2 yrs old) and it still works really well for everything….except for this My Spectrum App. And I still have a LOT of free memory so that has not been the issue.

    No, I do not have any other Android device I can try installing and using it on so I can't test to see if it is just my phone or if there is something else causing this.

    I decided to uninstall and reinstall the app, again….for the 4th time. It still has a really funky login process but at least this time I was eventually able to access my account. First it boots up looking fine and then it prompts me for my biometric finger print. Then I click on Sign In and it takes me to a Chrome browser sign in screen where I need to enter my UserID and PW….why sign in again??? Then it goes back to the app and I can finally see my account data.

    Maneuvering once in the website was somewhat problematic because I was frequently requested to sign in, again, but from within the open app while still in my account….I wasn't booted out of it.

    I signed out and the booted up the app, again, and had the exact same funky sign in and account maneuvering results.

    Good thing I have no such problems logging into my Spectrum account with my laptop but it would often be so much more convenient if I can get the app to work properly on my phone.

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    I completely understand wanting to be able to use the app to make things easier on yourself. I checked on my app since I also have Android (Pixel 9) and it seemed to login okay. It does redirect me to Chrome to sign in but after verifying the two factor authentication code it redirected me back to the app okay. I don't have biometrics turned on though. I do know that there was just an update from Google recently to allow for encrypted password information and that can interfere with the sign in process on some apps. Were you offered the option to turn on that encryption recently by chance?

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