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Your Bill is Going Paperless in 30 Days

RAIST515O Posts: 227 Contributor

Just got this email.

Will we still be able to opt out of this?

Will we get any credit/reduction if we are indeed forced to go paperless?

I have already thought about turning off autopay since I am not getting the discount because of my "promotional" rate (on the old Internet 100 plan)... but that will create a problem if I am not getting a paper bill going forward because of how I organize my bills.

I have also always taken paper billing because of the poor process of notifying us about rate increases... if we don't see it on our bill, we get an unwelcome surprise the next billing cycle with the increase. That can be exacerbated by online only billing... unless they plan to actually start mailing us notices specifically about pending changes to our accounts going forward?

Best Answers

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,208 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited February 18 Answer ✓


    Hi, thanks for the question.

    The notification you received is part of our effort to enroll customers in paperless billing. All customers will be enrolled, unless you opt out by disabling the paperless billing toggle either in your Spectrum Account online or on the My Spectrum App.

    To disable paperless billing, please follow the directions at this link: Paperless Billing

    The example below is an account that has been enrolled. To disable, just toggle off until you see "Not Enrolled".

    If you decide to keep paperless billing, you will receive an email when your statement is ready, and you can download a .pdf copy of the statement that is identical to your paper bill. From there, you can either save it as a .pdf until it is needed or print a hard copy for your records. Please keep in mind that due to storage limitations, only the last 13 statements are available.

    Regarding the $5 autopay discount, only certain legacy billing plans are eligible for the autopay discount. Anyone enrolled in an updated Spectrum Pricing and Packaging plan is no longer eligible.

  • RAIST515O
    RAIST515O Posts: 227 Contributor
    Answer ✓

    I appreciate the response... if only the email had the same tone and information included. I was already aware of how to toggle it now... but the messaging didn't make it sound like it would be an option going forward... hence I made the post.

    It was very short and dry. Felt more like "we will be changing it in 30 days, or you can go ahead and change it now... here is the link to go ahead and enroll".

    Absolutely NO indication it was optional.

    Something like this should always be an opt in and not an opt out.

    As to the autopay discount limitations... that is disheartening as well. Was actually considering maybe going back to a regular tier and taking advantage of it once my promo rate expires.

    Might have to explore other options when that happens. Hard for me to justify the $80 if alternatives can provide the lower levels of bandwidth/latency I actually need. Some that I am already aware of provide up to a $10 credit for opting into autopay/online billing.

    Thankfully, that is still a good while from now... maybe the landscape changes before then.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,208 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Not a problem. I actually had to do a little digging and reach out to one of our contacts to confirm that paper billing was still going to be an option, because I interpreted the email the same way you did. Just to be sure the process is clear, you will need to disable paperless enrollment after the automatic enrollment occurs (scheduled for March 17th) to remain on paper billing. Since you are not the only customer with this feedback, I have reached out to our digital experience partners to let them know that the email implies the enrollment is not optional.

    I also included a link to RESIDENTIAL RATE CARD INFORMATION & DISCLOSURES regarding your other question about your current plan. Without diving too deep into details, and speaking in general terms, our new Spectrum Plan & Packaging (aka SPP) was intended to simplify the billing process, by rolling some fees (such as broadcast fees for video subscriptions) and discounts like autopay into one simple price and plan. The link shows pricing for your area, and the 100Mbps plan you are currently subscribed to is not a promotional price, it is the everyday price for that level of service. While all services are subject to occasional increases (usually in the range of $3 to $5 per month) due increases in the cost of providing services, the price you are currently paying will not change due a "promo roll off". This is another feature of the new SPP, with an focus on keeping pricing consistent and easy to understand. Last, once you switch to SPP, the former legacy plans that included the autopay discount is no longer available. There would be no way to put you back on a legacy price plan.

    I will provide an update if I get any more information regarding the email notification. If you have any other questions, let us know!