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Cloud DVR is not recording and not showing recordings- RESOLVED 4/20/22

The cloud is not recording or its not showing what is recorded. It is showing what is scheduled and what has been scheduled but is not recording anything. Talked to support but they did not have a solution. They did say there is problem at this time.
This is one of many problems i have had with this cloud dvr.
Best Answers
I'm sorry for the trouble with cDVR. There is currently a known issue causing recordings to not be listed. Our engineers are working to correct this as soon as possible.
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As of late yesterday (4/20/22), this issue has been resolved. You may need to delete and reintstall the app to refresh your cloudDVR recordings.
This post has been closed, if you are still experiencing an issue with cloudDVR, please start a new post.
I am having a similar issue.
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I am having trouble with the cloud dvr as well. I am scheduling the recordings and they are showing up as scheduled but then they do not record. Please fix...
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Frustrating, my Cloud DVR has had pixilation issues for over a year, picture on live TV is perfect. Playing through Roku, no one can fix it and just want me to live with it. I also have the cDVR not recording and hopefully fix this fast. Not good for your paying customers. Maybe hire from YouTube TV or Hulu as their cDVRs never have playback issues or pixilation.
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Just talked to Spectrum Rep. They said Cloud DVR is still down Nationwide. No estimation on fix. Earlier estimate was today. Maybe tomorrow. Not seeing a lot of people in this community commenting on the issue. I would think if there were a lot of users more would want to know the status of the fix.
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FYI-My Cloud DVR is now appearing to work. On my web version the title says recorded yesterday but when I select it both yesterday and today are available. My Roku looks normal.