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Is anyone else upset because Nat Geo Wild wasn't included in the new Disney contract?

I love NGW for their wildlife and vet programs. Paid extra for channel lineup, just to get access to this channel. Now they are saying it's not included in the new Disney contract.
I feel your pain, as I find that a channel I enjoyed a great deal, Freeform, is now gone!
I'd like to understand the business of this... was it that Disney didn't want to include Freeform, Nat Geo Wild, and many others because why... it cut into profit margins?
Or was it Spectrum trying to cut its costs by eliminating those channels? Can Spectrum explain this?
In any event, it's at the expense of the customer, once again. This customer has had just about enough, especially with the recent price increases. Cutting the cord is looking more and more appealing.
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Yes! This absolutely stinks. Freeform and Nat Geo Wild are two of my favorite channels - I've always included them both on "must haves" when exploring any alternatives to Spectrum. Plus they dropped Disney XD, which was the home of some of my favorite animated series through the years (Star Wars Rebels, Big Hero Six, Star vs. the Forces of Evil, e.g.).
I am extremely disappointed by this news. I understand Spectrum wanting to get their subscribers access to some streaming services at no extra charge, but I don't understand why they would drop channels they had already offered.
Unlike you, cutting the cord isn't appealing to me at all. Every time I've looked into it, in order to get my "must have" channels it would require subscribing to multiple streaming services, with many overlapping channels, at a total cost even higher than cable.
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I just don't understand the greed of the companies today. Why do they have to be at risk if they are not the top. It's always been difficult to get and keep access to Nat Geo Wild and here we go again. TV & Internet is so expensive. They're almost out of my price range. Thank you greedy company heads!!
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very upset that natgeo wild is goine. My family watched it all the time. this stinks
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NatGeoWild has been one of my favorite channels for years. I am very upset that it is no longer available. Might be time to consider cutting the cord and going to streaming.
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SPECTRUM SUCKS for not including Nat Geo Wild. Of course ESPN is included, because it's all about football and where the money is for you to charge your customers who will ALWAYS PAY FOR FOOTBALL!!!
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I do not like football or any sports for that matter, I watch mostly National Geo Wild every night
Please add it back to the line up, I am seriously looking into cutting the cord and going with Disney + Hulu
and Live tv!
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OK, so what are the cheapest alternatives for getting Nat Geo? I don't even need a live stream, just access to recent shows like Dr. Pol, Dr Oakley and Heartland Docs.
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I got an email this morning from spectrum
" Good news! We have reached a new agreement with The Walt Disney Company. we will be issuing you a credit in the next 48 hours for the time since the channel loss on August 31, 2023, through their return on September 11, 2023.
My bill actually went Up! .
Only been with spectrum 3 months.
So tired of Spectrum already, guess I'll go back to frontier.
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Hi Terry,
You mean National Geographic Wild, right? National Geographic should still be on the lineup. For National Geographic Wild, the cheapest option is to stream through a Hulu subscription.
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Welcome to the forum @Annoyedat!
The cost of programing is the main reason for the price increases. Sports programing is the most expensive for any vendor and is the main reason for these cost increases regardless of the provider. The multi-million dollar saleries of these athletes forces them to demand more and more money each year. The games they play cost more and more to produce. The customer regardless of TV vendor winds up paying for their salary demands.
Spectrum, like other vendors, has a few new packages that have less sports content to offset the cost of sports programing. A new one is called Spectrum Signature. A growing trend is attempting to move more sports channels to Ala-Carte packages, so that those who don't watch sports, don't have to pay extra for them.
You will see similar circumstances with Frontier once your promotion ends.
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Yes, I meant Nat Geo Wild.
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OK, Nat Geo Wild content is available through the dual Hulu/Disney Plus package for $10/month. Nothing is live, but everything is archived. Just signed up, this will work for now.
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I'm very upset to lose Natgeo Wild. I also refuse to pay more money to be able to watch it. I'm already paying Spectrum a lot of money. I'm working on my husband, who doesn't like change, to get rid of spectrum and go with a streaming service.
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Welcome to the forum, @catlvr14!
You can keep Spectrum to keep your husband happy and sign up for the Hulu+Disney+ bundle to get National Geographic Wild. The line up is much smaller than Spectrum's, but they will have what you want. Eventually, you will be able to rent the Disney+/Hulu bundles through Spectrum as part of the Disney/Spectrum distribution deal. But for now, getting Disney+/Hulu as stand-alones will enable you to watch National Geographic Wild.
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Good answer.... NOT
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I also am ready to leave Spectrum. New price hike and only station I watch (National Geo WILD) is now gone. I don't want Hulu....or any of the others for additional money....But it might happen.
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Trying to decide if I want to cut the cord. Spectrum pricing is becoming a bigger issue.
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I’m really confused right now. I am a spectrum customer and I also pay for Disney+, HULU, ESPN+ streaming service every month. I understand not being able to access Nat Geo Wild while logged in with spectrum since the channel was not returned to the lineup but I can’t access the new season of Dr. Pol and I pay for Disney+ etc streaming monthly. It says it’s locked for me. I even logged in with just my Disney bundle credentials.
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9-16-23 Am absolutely LIVID about Spectrum & the Disney dispute!! 👿 Dr. Pol & Nat Geo Wild my favorite for years!!! I pay $140/mo for Silver TV & do NOT want to go streaming. Received an email from Spectrum saying
"We have reached a new agreement with The Walt Disney Company. ESPN, Disney Channel, FX, and several other Disney-owned channels have been returned to Spectrum TV and are now available. (NO! They are still not available today!) To make up for your inconvenience during this time, we will be issuing you a credit in the next 48 hours for the time since the channel loss on August 31, 2023, through their return on September 11, 2023. To view your credit once it's been applied, please visit Spectrum.net or My Spectrum App."
This message is a complete lie, have found no credit here! 😡
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Hello @val8160 Welcome!
Check your account online. I did, and it showed a $6.00 credit forthcoming. You can get up to $15 of credit for the missing Disney/ESPN channels. To do this (and save time)
1.) Go to Twitter and sign in. (or Sign up if you don't have a Twitter account)
2.) Follow the @Ask_Spectrum account.
3) Send a polite message requesting a $15.00 credit for the missing Disney/ESPN channels. Provide your name, address, phone# and account# in the PM.
4.) Credit should be applied within 72 hours of the interaction.
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With the arrival of my September bill, I see that the annual price increase has arrived. As a customer of nearly 40 years, I have endured price increase after price increase. When I still had cable I had to call constantly to get promotions to keep my bill as low as possible. I finally said "no more" and opted for a streaming service and have had no regrets. I live in a rural area and until now your internet was essentially the only game in town. Fiber optic service is coming to my neighborhood and I will finally be able to rid myself of your Internet service and the perpetual increases. Obviously you do not value customer loyalty. As with so many corporations it's more important to keep shareholders happy than your customers. My question is: What happens when you lose those customers because you are no longer competitive in the marketplace?
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What I don't understand is the fact that when you get the Disney plus package, you still don't get current programming. All you can get is past seasons and that varies from show to show. What's the sense of that and where can you watch nat geo wild if not on Disney plus?
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Welcome @slmuel,
I think you can watch National Geograhic Wild on Hulu. Just On Demand though. Here are other ways to watch NGW:
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Yeah this is just BS and corporate greed. I get Disney wants to maximize profits but with this move, I'm going to just look elsewhere. Most of the channels no longer available are ones children prefer. Disney trying to force people to subscribe to their streaming service isn't a good move. Time to look for a new alternative to get channels and cut cords.
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How is it that I lose some of my channels for 2 weeks then I get my new bill it's $12 higher than last month and then you give me a few dollars back with no explanation as to why my bill is higher. I guess I must look for cheaper options been with this company for a long time and it seems like you just keep punishing us financially
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Sure - you guys get ESPN for the sports watchers but what about us that really enjoy nature? Screw sports. Overpaid dilatants, that whine and moan about the country that made them rich. And poor Walt would be rolling over in his grave if he knew what they were doing to Disney World. If I didn't live in a condo & have no say in the TV/Internet service I would dump your sorry asses and go with anyone else. Get us back National Geographic Wild. I refuse to give Disney a penny of my hard earned money & will not get Disney +. You people are pitiful.
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In my view, it seems like there was a lot of quality family and children's programing removed to save the increased cost of the ESPN sports stations. Could other TV vendors feel the same wraith when Disney contracts are up for renewal?
Some good points taken from the post above mine. I don't think Walt had sports in mind when he created the concept of Disney. Disneyworld, Disneyland, and Disney movies were dedicated to quality entertainment for kids and family, now missing from today's societies, along with eight excellent family/kids channels gone from the Spectrum line up.
I hope for subs that miss them, that these channels will be incorperated back into the Disney+ streaming service and be avaliable on all boxes, so that customers don't have to switch TV outputs and remotes to see them when Disney+ launches in the later months. In other words, the Disney+ app will look like the overall in apperence and functionality for the cable box On Demand menus. What happened to quality entertainment for families?
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Dear Disney and spectrum will I realize that you came to an agreement and added some of the channels back what I don't understand is why did you not added back NatGeo wild back. That channel was one of my favor channels that I watch. It has all of my favorite shows on it as well and if you're gonna still charge us the same and we don't get the satisfaction of being able to watch all of the channels that are still in the menu line up well that's not fair not fair at all. So would you please add that channel back so we as spectrum customers can go back to being happy customers and not think about changing providers just so we can have the channels we want because in the beginning you asked us what we like to watch and we told you, you listened and we bought that package please think about this
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Yes this is one of my favorite channel and also all my favorite shows are on it as well