Spectrum TV App Tips, Resources and FAQs

Spectrum TV App Tips, Resources and FAQs

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Why can't I pause and rewind live Live on Xumo using the Spectrum TV App?



  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Can’t believe you have a product that doesn’t allow pausing. Have you never had to go to the bathroom, answer the phone, or had any other interruptions that are natural pause events? This is ridiculous. My five years of Spectrum may be about to end.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I just had Spectrum streaming installed today. I have not canceled my direct tv yet. I feel like I am stepping back into 1980 not being able to pause the show. I will be canceling this service and continue looking or stay with direct

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  • Posts: 5,201 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Sorry for any issues, what troubleshooting have you tried already ?

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  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    I've reset the thing a few times and still get periodic streaming. That and learning you have to subscribe to a cloud based DVR option to rewind, pause,etc. have promoted me to go back to the dated cable box. Now doubting if the internet speed is truly the top one I'm paying for. Am new to Spectrum after years in Cox and Comcast areas. The technology and overall performance is poor when comparing to previous providers. The biggest disappointment is having had better technology 9 years ago with Cox in another State. One of my neighbors has Verizon wireless Internet and uses rabbit ears for local network channels. His internet looks faster then mine and costs a lot less. Am considering a 30 day trial to compare both at the same time. Will post the results of I do that.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'd like to be added to the list of people that believe this is a downgrade from the DVR box. Without the ability to pause and rewind live tv defeats the purpose. At least have a rolling 5 minute buffer or whatever works on the programming side.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Exact same scenario for us and it's disappointing that the rep didn't mention this. She kept saying it was "better" and I specifically asked if there were any gotchas and she said there we none. I should have known better and didn't think to ask about the controls. I'm THIS close to cancelling Spectrum all together and hopping on the Hulu Live+ train...

    Another issue of course is not being able to fast forward through any commercial breaks since nothing is technically 'recorded', but streamed. Many programs I found don't have any commercials to go through but most mainstream popular shows on network TV for example, have as many as 7 breaks and you have to sit through them, even if you fast forward to a different section of the program. Again, another reason to switch to something like Hulu Live+ with no ads.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    1. Please add PBS Passport to the apps.
    2. Also visual FF/REW to DVR Cloud recordings so we don't have to guess and go back and forth.
    3. Previous to Xumo, I was able to rewind shows that I was watching 'live', would be great to have that capability.
    4. I wish the remote had a light-up button, and FF/REW/PAUSE buttons.

    The very helpful rep that talked me into Xumo as a cost saver + enhanced way of watching was not informed about the differences, particularly the negatives. It took me hours of fiddling and 3 phone calls to establish that that the only way I could watch shows (i.e. news) later that same day was to add DVR Cloud (diminishing the $ savings.)

    Within a couple of days, I wanted my cable box back, and grew resentful about being misinformed, missing my favorite shows and time wasted trying to figure out the app/remote. I didn't want to spend time on hold but finally called Spectrum's phone support and found that the initial menu is brief and there's no hold time. The reps are patient and as helpful as possible with a buggy and awkward app. I'm still weighing the balance of positives and negatives vs. a DVR box.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Can I use Xumo with the DVR box? If so, how would I use together to record and playback my shows?

  • Posts: 1,376 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @Schmario! Xumo can use Cloud DVR which shares recordings across all devices with Spectrum TV app cDVR support. If you have a physical DVR box, you can only record and playback through that same DVR.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    that we can't pause live tv after the sales rep assured me repeatedly that we could...this is huge...just switched from YouTubeTV which pauses live tv just to save a few bucks...how much does the cloud dvr service cost? oh wait...even with the cdvr you still have to record an in progress show in order to pause it...this sucks so bad!!!!!!

  • Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited November 2023

    Can i pause, rewind or start a show over from the beginning? If so, how?

  • Posts: 618 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited November 2023

    Good evening @Jeanskeeter and Welcome to our Community Forums,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. At this time you can only pause, rewind or fast forward on previously recorded shows or shows that are currently being recorded with our Cloud DVR option. -Lyn

  • Posts: 618 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good evening @xsubdvr and Welcome to our Community Forums,

    Thank you for reaching out to us. I am very sorry for any confusion but at this time you can only pause, rewind or fast forward on previously recorded shows or shows that are currently being recorded with our Cloud DVR option. -Lyn

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Can't believe the Xumo streaming box won't allow fast forwarding or reverse on streaming...this is one of the true advantages to streaming?

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Just got xumo and Cloud service. Have recorded several programs but can’t figure out how to pause, fast forward and rewind those programs.

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