Why am I receiving these test messages from 87598 (Spectrum)?

Nhayes13 Posts: 2 Spectator

Why did I receive these texts from 87598? These texts seem to indicate I have a problem, or I am going to have a problem, with my Spectrum service. Again, WHY?

Spectrum: Your service may be interrupted. To fix this issue, or avoid a future one, go to Spectrum.net/stabilize. Stay proactive and stop future issues today. (9/21/23, 11/08/23)

Spectrum: Sign in at Spectrum.net/amplify to repair a current service issue. You can schedule a no-cost appointment today. (9/28/23)


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 4,759 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator


    Those messages are for proactive maintenance. When we see a potential issue starting with your service, we will send you a message to set up an appointment before the issue degrades to the point of impacting your services.

    We recommend using the link to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.


  • Nhayes13
    Nhayes13 Posts: 2 Spectator

    I suggest you add additional info as to nature of the potential issue.

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