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Email No Longer Supported

Posts: 7 Participant

I have been dealing with my old TWC email not working since March and now email support tells me that email address has been deleted. I have used it for years and feel like I should still be able to retain it, but they tell me it is not recoverable and I can't even set up a new email address because they are no longer offering email accounts in my region. I feel like an email address from your ISP is a must for internet service as it gives you a true email address instead of something like gmail that is not always accepted as a valid email address. Please reinstate email service for all regions. It is ridiculous to not offer email.


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  • Posts: 618 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good evening @Radicator

    Thank you for your feedback. I can definitely understand your concern with not being able to create new email addresses with our services. We are always looking for ways to improve our services and I will forward your feedback along for you. -Lyn

  • Posts: 7 Participant

    Hello Lyn, Has there been any response to my email issue yet?

  • Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    I apologize for any confusion. When we send feedback, it is strictly feedback and isn't a support escalation. We have discontinued offering email service with our residential accounts, so it is not something that we can override. Customers with existing working email addresses will be able to keep them, but we cannot create new email addresses.

  • Posts: 7 Participant

    Wow, that is very disappointing. That has been a staple for ISP's since their inception. I really think that policy should be reconsidered. It would be nice for me to get my old email address back though. They said it was inactive for over 6 months, but I still have emails that I received in February, before it stopped working, so it was not inactive. I may not send email often, but receiving them is activity.

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