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Is there a glitch with BTN (Big Ten Network)?

Posts: 6 Participant

I recently changed from Spectrum TV Select to Spectrum TV Select Plus ($10 more). The Spectrum TV Select had the Big Ten Network (channel 382). I was told I would still have the Big Ten Network with the Spectrum TV Select Plus, and in fact I do have it when I go to the app (watch.spectrum.net) on my computer. But when I go to that channel on my tv it says upgrade needed. When I called on the phone I was told I shouldn't need an upgrade, I shouldn't have lost it when changing from the Spectrum TV Select to the Spectrum TV Select Plus. The strange thing is I do get it through my online account, on the app. But why would I get it on the computer but not on my tv? A technician came out but could not change anything. I wonder if there is a glitch in the system where for some reason it wasn't added to the Spectrum TV Select Plus package when it was added to the Spectrum TV Select package (added July 22nd). But I do get it on the app, so that is strange. Is anyone else missing the Big Ten Network since July 22nd on the Spectrum TV Select Plus package, or only get it on the app, not their tv?


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  • Posts: 5,857 Contributor
    edited August 2024 Answer ✓

    I can get BTN thru the app, just not my tv. And it is on my Channel Lineup page as a channel I should get. Maybe on July 22nd they added it to the app but for some reason didn't add it to the box, and a software change needs to be made in the cloud (or something….)? I really think something may have gone wrong on July 22nd, maybe they added it to a package that doesn't exist instead of the one that does?? What should I do? Thank you Satch.

    Good Evening,

    It's now an issue of waiting for a resolution. With you getting the statement confirmation that on July 22nd that BTN was going to be added to the main existing Spectrum plans, it is going to take some time for Spectrum to push an update to the boxes. There are now mods on the forum throughout the day and night, so they know about the issue, but probably won't post until a fix is rolled out to the boxes.

    I agree with you that there was either an error or some delay in the lineup change, (My bet is an error) that the executable code that they wrote to add the channel to Spectrum Select+ packages for the boxes did not take. (70% likely) There is also a possibility of a delay in the distribution of the channel to new plans. (20% likely) Maybe some last minute conflict between Spectrum and BTN? (Only 10% likely.)

    Unfortunately, the update developers and channel distribution people are not customer-facing as to the reasons why there was or was not a change. It's the same way with all of these big companies.

    Did your service tech say anything about escalating the issue? Or just say, "I don't know why you're not getting this channel" and left?

    Just for the record, what is the make and model of your cable box? What guide software do you have? How long have you had the box? I am not blaming the box. I am just offering this as a question for data collection that maybe this update took on some boxes and guides, but not others?

    Anyone else reporting this problem with BTN, list the make and model of your box and guide you have.

    To find out what guide you have on your box if you don't know, Google Search, "What Guide do I have?", Spectrum. Go to the Spectrum result indicated in the search and you might be asked to type in your zip code. You will see the guides for your area.


  • Posts: 5,857 Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Good Evening,

    It's now an issue of waiting for a resolution. With you getting the statement confirmation that on July 22nd that BTN was going to be added to the main existing Spectrum plans, it is going to take some time for Spectrum to push an update to the boxes. There are now mods on the forum throughout the day and night, so they know about the issue, but probably won't post until a fix is rolled out to the boxes.

    I agree with you that there was either an error or some delay in the lineup change, (My bet is an error) that the executable code that they wrote to add the channel to Spectrum Select+ packages for the boxes did not take. (70% likely) There is also a possibility of a delay in the distribution of the channel to new plans. (20% likely) Maybe some last minute conflict between Spectrum and BTN? (Only 10% likely.)

    Unfortunately, the update developers and channel distribution people are not customer-facing as to the reasons why there was or was not a change. It's the same way with all of these big companies.

    Did your service tech say anything about escalating the issue? Or just say, "I don't know why you're not getting this channel" and left?

    Just for the record, what is the make and model of your cable box? What guide software do you have? How long have you had the box? I am not blaming the box. I am just offering this as a question for data collection that maybe this update took on some boxes and guides, but not others?

    Anyone else reporting this problem with BTN, list the make and model of your box and guide you have.

    To find out what guide you have on your box if you don't know, Google Search, "What Guide do I have?", Spectrum. Go to the Spectrum result indicated in the search and you might be asked to type in your zip code. You will see the guides for your area.


    Something for me to add in addition to the above inquiry,

    I originally did not see that the tech swapped out your box for a newer model. Do you remember the date that you made the change from Spectrum Select to Spectrum Select+? This should be listed in your recent account activity or your next statement. Was it before, on, or after July 22, in corresponding to the notice about BTN being distributed to more package plans?



  • Posts: 5,857 Contributor
    edited August 2024

    Hi and Welcome!

    There might be some bad news about Big Ten Network. I have Spectrum Select with Entertainment View and it looks like I still have BTN. Logic would dictate that Spectrum Select (legacy plan) if subs moved to Spectrum Select+ that all channels in Spectrum Select would automatically carry over to Spectrum Select+

    I just went here to the Spectrum National Channel Line up Page, and you can filter the channels. If you update to Spectrum Select+ (which should have all the sports channels it does not show BTN!) (You can filter the channels by package. BTN is not in Entertainment View either. ) It looks like the only way to get BTN is by updating to Sports View. (adding Sports View to your plan for $7.00 a month.) It really seems like BTN should be on Spectrum Select+ when all the other sports channels are there! Mods might want to investigate. It's on the app, so it should be on the boxes as well. (If you have Spectrum Select or upgrade to Spectrum Select+. BTN is not on the national line up page, unless you filter in the purchase of Sports View. This seems wrong. Here is the page:



    PS. Can others on the Spectrum Select+ plan without Sports View please check to see if BTN shows on your cable boxes and comes in when you tune to BTN?

  • Posts: 6 Participant

    Thank you Satch! Yes, you would think that if Spectrum TV Select gets BTN that Spectrum TV Select Plus would also get it. When I go to my account online it does have it listed as part of my channel lineup on my Channel Lineup page (I have Spectrum Select TV Plus + Entertainment View right now - Sports View would be $10 more). So according to the channel lineup page I should get it. And, I do get it on the app, just not on my tv! Another interesting thing: when I look at updates on the Programming Change page for my area it say that on July 22nd BTN will be part of the Spectrum TV Select, the Spectrum TV Select Signature, and the Spectrum TV Select Signature Plus packages. But - I cannot find anything called Spectrum TV Select Signature Plus at all, the only "Plus" I can find the Spectrum TV Select Plus. I wonder if some kind of glitch happened on July 22nd where BTN was added to the app but not to the boxes for some reason? It's very strange that it is on my channel lineup page and on the app but not on the box. Thank you for trying to help

  • Posts: 5,857 Contributor
    edited August 2024

    Another interesting thing: when I look at updates on the Programming Change page for my area it say that on July 22nd BTN will be part of the Spectrum TV Select, the Spectrum TV Select Signature, and the Spectrum TV Select Signature Plus packages.


    Well, if it says that on the Programing Changes, the national line up page needs to add Big 10 Network to the filters for Spectrum Select+. With the above evidence, I think you are right, the boxes never got the package change of Big 10 Network when the change happened on July 22 for customers on Spectrum Select+ plans.

    Customers can use the shorter names for the new package plans. Think of it like this:

    Spectrum Signature- Is about 75% of the total line up, with almost no sports channels for people who don't like sports that much.

    Spectrum Select+ - Is everything in Spectrum Signature plus sports, plus the ESPN+ app.

    Entertainment View- Is an add on channel package of about 70 channels, mixing some sports, some special interest, and some standard movie channels.

    Sports View- Is an add on channel package of sports networks.

    Some channels may overlap their packages.

    One thing, have you rebooted your box to see if there might be a stuck update or something that needs to go through? By rebooting the box, it might activate BTN channel for you!

    If rebooting your box to activate BTN does not work, can you also post a picture if you have a camera of what you see when you tune to the channel on your box? Do you get an option to update through the remote? or does it say "Call Customer Care to receive this channel?" Try rebooting your box if you haven't already done that.


  • Posts: 6 Participant

    Yes I have rebooted my box and a tech even came out and we switched the box for a more recent box but it made no difference even after rebooting that one too a couple times. When I go to the BTN channel on my tv it says on the screen: "Upgrade to Add Channel. Your current subscription package does not include this channel. To upgrade and start watching it now, press the ok button on your remote." When I do that it goes to a screen that says "Instant Upgrade Unavailable" and directs me to call an 800 number. Here is what it says on the Programming Notices page: "On or after July 22nd, BTN will move to the Spectrum TV Select, Spectrum TV Select Signature and
    Spectrum TV Select Signature Plus packages." But I can't find any "Select Signature Plus" package, only a "Select Plus" package. If the Select Plus is supposed to have everything in Spectrum Signature, plus sports, as you say, I should have it on my tv, not just on the app right? And my channel lineup page said I should have it. I wonder if it's because it was somehow never directed to be put on the Select Plus package on July 22nd, but instead to be put on the Select Signature Plus package, which doesn't exist. So maybe never got added at all (except to the app). Thanks for all your help!

  • Posts: 6 Participant

    Somehow I just accidentally deleted my whole answer grrr!! Yes I did reboot and a tech even came out and put in a more up-to-date box but made no difference, even after rebooting that a couple times too. On the station itself it says: "Upgrade to Add Channel. Your current subscription package doesn't include this channel. To upgrade and start watching it now, press the OK button on your remote." When I do that it says: "Instant Upgrade Unavailable" and directs me to call an 800 number. On the Programming Notice page for my area says: "On or after July 22nd, BTN will move to the Spectrum TV Select, Spectrum TV Select Signature and Spectrum TV Select Signature Plus packages." But if the Select Plus is supposed to have everything in Spectrum Signature plus sports then it should have BTN because Select now has it (as of July 22nd). And I can't see any mention of a Select Signature Plus package at all, just a Select Plus! But I can get BTN thru the app, just not my tv. And it is on my Channel Lineup page as a channel I should get. Maybe on July 22nd they added it to the app but for some reason didn't add it to the box, and a software change needs to be made in the cloud (or something….)? I really think something may have gone wrong on July 22nd, maybe they added it to a package that doesn't exist instead of the one that does?? What should I do? Thank you Satch.

  • Posts: 6 Participant

    Satch, it was on Aug. 1st that I was switched to Spectrum Select Plus . I also dropped the Sports View that I did have at that time, but kept the Entertainment View to go with the new Spectrum Select Plus. I was told that I would keep BTN as one of my channels. There were a few channels I lost by doing this but I was told which ones and I didn't care about losing those. The notice about the BTN Programming Change was actually on the previous month's bill. I called right away when I noticed the problem. The tech came out the very next day (Aug. 2nd (yesterday)) and checked everything that he could and did swap out the box, but nothing made any difference. He did say he would report what happened (I showed him how the app was working but not the box for the Big Ten Network). I think the new box and remote is the Spec Guide. It says Upgrade Needed, like the old box, but in a different font :) . I really wish rebooting would have fixed (or new box, etc.)! Thanks for your help!

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  • Posts: 5,857 Contributor
    edited August 2024

    Good Evening Everyone, Glad to help @mc0111!

    I hope you get your Big 10 Network on Spectrum Select+ soon! Interesting that the app shows Big 10 Network but not the box for Spectrum Select+ subscribers. It does say "On or after" July 22nd for BTN to show up on more Spectrum packages. It sounds like broader package distribution for BTN.

    There is still some confusion over the new package plans (I can explain below.)

    "On or after July 22nd, BTN will move to the Spectrum TV Select, Spectrum TV Select Signature and
    Spectrum TV Select Signature Plus packages."

    Spectrum TV Select is what many people have now

    Spectrum Signature (A new plan, with lesser sports, is also getting BTN.)

    Spectrum Select+ (Another new plan that adds about ten more sports channels, missing from Spectrum Signature. Spectrum Signature is also getting BTN.

    Entertainment View adds some sports channels, standard movie channels, and special interest channels. It does not have BTN.

    I don't know if Sports View is still going to have BTN after the other packages get the channel.

    Wondering if this is a box error? Or an update delay? BTN broader distribution will help for families who's students are on teams at Big 10 schools. BTN will be coming to more packages so more families will be able to see their kids and student's games.


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  • Posts: 6 Participant

    It's been fixed, yeah!! So glad I posted here!! Thank you, Satch!!

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