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What is WEP

6612818726 Posts: 1 Spectator

Im trying to connect my Xbox and it will let me do so

Best Answers

  • Tyleen_Z
    Tyleen_Z Posts: 864 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello and welcome to the Spectrum Community!

    WEP is an older and less secure type of internet security. We recommend to use WPA/2 wifi security. Generally if you have a wifi compatible device you would search for your network name and then type in your password.


  • jWS9518
    jWS9518 Posts: 56 Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Make sure your router and Xbox are using the same security protocols. You can log into your router to see what you have set and then look on your Xbox to see what protocols it has available. WPA2 or 3 is recommended.