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Blocking URLs

At this time there is no way to restrict certain websites. You have the option to create a Pause Schedule that will stop all Internet access.
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In addition to above, if you have your own router, you can set up a whitelist of allowed URL's. This is also easier than blocking every website that is not allowed.
Alternately, you can also block restricted websites at the device level. On windows, start by going to Internet Options -> Privacy.
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Thanks guys! The kids are on Macs and both our equipment is Spectrums MTA/Modem Hitron and Sagemcom Router. So you're saying that we can't restrict from either?
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You would need you have your own router to set controls on that level. For Mac devices, there are parental controls, but I am not familiar with how to set them up. A web search for parental controls on the specific Mac device and OS they are using should give you the results needed to accomplish the website restrictions.
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@James_M okay cool! Thanks for this! I'm familiar with Parental Controls on the Mac. I'll take a peek.