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Since my last Spectrum App update, my last channel viewed is not working at all

So this happened after the mini guide went from the left side of the screen to the right side, and the button also changed from left arrow to right arrow.
Also I have noticed the mini guide now has a black box on the channel you can select, this was not there before the updates. Anyone else had this problem?
Best Answer
Hello again William! So I think I have sucess! I went to on demand and started a show, after 5 minutes or so I pressed the rewind button( same button that should return to previous channel viewed). It rewound the show .
So then I went back to live TV and pressed the same button that had not been switching to last channel viewed and ....WOW it worked again.!
So then I went to the other ROKU device and tried it.....no response , so I repeated the same process on that ROKU, went back to live TV and ...BAM it was working also!
So for whatever reason this has solved the problem, and I am grateful for your help because if I believed what spectrum tech folks told me yesterday , I would still be without this function. Many thanks Dude!
Hi @chet, welcome to our community!
I am still able to go to the last channel viewed when pressing the rewind key on my Roku remote. Is this what you are doing and are you getting any kind of error message?
Can you make sure the Roku software is up-to-date and reinstall the Spectrum TV app? If the issue persists are you able to share a picture of the black box you are referring to?
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Thanks for the reply William! So as I said earlier this just happened after an update that changed the mini guide from the left arrow to the right arrow. At first when I would press the REVERSE button just on top of the netflick button, it would go back to a channel I had not even been too. I uninstalled and reinstalled the spectrum app and now pressing it does nothing. I feel pretty sure since I have 2 roku devices here and they both are doing the same exact thing it was something in the updates. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks!
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My guide is still accessible with the left arrow button and rewind key still goes to the previous channel. I checked for updates and am on 7.6, what app version do you have? Have you updated the Roku software?
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Hello William! So my version is 7.6 build 0. I just checked my Roku for updates, it was up to date. As I said before this all happened when the last spectrum app update was added. when I press the <button for mini guide it says on screen...{press right for mini guide } If I do this the mini guide comes up. My rewind button has never gave me last channel viewed that I remember....It was always the << rewind button that gave me the last channel viewed. And both of my ROKU units are doing the same thing before...and both are NOT giving me last channel viewed since the mini guide moved from left screen to right screen. I have removed spectrum and re loaded it, no change in either unit.
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Hello again William! So after calling spectrum and chatting with some people in charge of updates, they told me that 'last channel viewed' feature was part of the last update. So basically that feature is gone. She said if enough complains are received they may reinstall it. Here is hoping a lot of customers complain. HAGD.:)
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I'm glad you were able to get some clarification on the issue. I'll be sure to pass your feedback along about the feature as well.
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Hi @chet! I have been able to test 10 different Rokus running 7.6 build 0 this evening and every one of them still has a functioning last channel button. I am not seeing any documentation for the update about the function being removed.
This is the rewind button I am referring to;
To confirm; If you watch a channel for a few seconds, change to a different channel, and then press that button while the guide is closed, nothing happens at all? Have you tested on different channels? Have you tried rebooting the modem recently? If so, will you please provide the Roku model and software version you have?
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Good morning William ! First off the button you point at is the button that gave me the last channel viewed. It does nothing NOW. I rebooted my modem before replying to this and also 'updated' my spectrum app again. It says it updated but it still reads 7.6 build 0. As I have stated before this all seemed to happen when the update moved the mini-guide button from the left arrow to the right arrow (between the OK button). Also the guide went from the left side of the TV screen to the right side.
Here are my ROKU model numbers and software versions: ROKU 3900RW-express ....software version 10.5.0 build 4208-51 //////second ROKU 3930RW-express.....software version 10.5.0 build 4208-AE
Thanks for your help.
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Have you tested on different channels? When I did my testing I was flipping through lower digit channels, I'm wondering if maybe it is an issue with specific channels. Can you flip through a few lower digit channels, pressing the rewind button between each one, and see if it does anything at any point? Can you also try watching something on demand or use a different app with a rewind function and make sure the rewind key on your Roku remote is working correctly?
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Hello William! So I have the startup channel on spectrum news channel 1. I have tried various combinations and it simply does not work on any channels. As I have said before this problem happened after the update which moved the mini guide from left arrow to right arrow. And that may not have anything to do with my problem but it seems like that is when it started. I have also used the ROKU remote from my other unit and it does not work the last channel viewed. I have noticed that I can see the pilot light on the ROKU device flicker when I do press the 'last channel viewed ' button. This was what it always did when it was functioning .
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Are you pressing the rewind key while the guide is closed? Will you please test another app that uses the rewind key to verify it is working?
I understand the problem started after the update, but at this point I have tested 15+ Rokus of various models, including a 3930RW-Express, all running the 7.6 build 0 update, and the rewind key is taking me to the previous channel viewed on every single one of them.
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I'm glad to hear that it's working for you again! We'll definitely keep that in mind in case anyone else has the same issue, since that was definitely a strange one.
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Good morning Steph! After watching my 'last channel viewed' for several days I found that my previous fix did not actually fix my problem. When I pressed 'last channel viewed' I usually got some other channel.
So I tried your suggestion and as of right now it does go back to the 'last channel viewed' but when pressed again it does not go back to the previous channel. This is how both my ROKUs worked before the update. I will say that what I have now is a improvement over what it was doing before. Close but still not quite there.
Thanks for your efforts .
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Is it not doing anything when you press rewind again, or is it going to a different channel other than the previous channel viewed? For the ones I've tested if I'm watching channel 1 and change to channel 2, pressing rewind goes back to channel 1, pressing it again back to channel 2, again back to channel 1.
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Good morning WIlliam! So after updating Roku software and un installing and re installing spectrum, the 'rewind' and 'last channel viewed' did not function once again. So after going into 'on demand' several times and doing 'rewind' on some shows, it started working again . So what I have observed is that when I first get it to start working again, it seems to go back to previous channel I viewed. BUT after that going forward it may go back to a channel I have not even viewed on that day. It also seems to go on a 3 channel rotation but not really the 3 channels I had viewed. I had to go through the same process to get my other roku to start working after I did the 'reboot' on the one in my living room, and I had not 'rebooted' that unit.
The version of spectrum now is 7.6 build 1.
I know this is a small problem but I really would like to get it back working like it did. Thanks for your help!
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Good morning! Could you try a factory reset on the Roku?
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Hello again WIlliam! So I just went thru the pain in the butt factory reset on the roku. The 'last channel viewed' button does nothing watching live TV. I have not tried it with 'on demand' shows. So whatever got changed on the Spectrum update is still not corrected. At this point I guess you guys cant find the problem or I have 2 different models of roku s that are junk.
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Ran the update, ran system restart. version 11.0.0 build 4193-46. Still the same problem..
Rewind button works fine as rewind on demand and on other apps. Tried a brand new remote, had the same problem. I have another tv that uses the simple remote (no volume or streaming channel buttons on the remote.) The back button works fine there, takes to last channel viewed.
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This only happened after the guide was moved to the right hand side. Some other sites I've read call it an overlay and spectrum hasn't coded for the change in overlay.
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Ran the update, ran system restart. version 11.0.0 build 4193-46. Still the same probleml.
Rewind button works fine as rewind on demand and on other aps. Tried a brand new remote, had the same problem. I have another tv that uses the simple remote (no volume or streaming channel buttons on the remote.) The back button works fine there, takes to last channel viewed.
CHET..... IT'S HAPPENING TO ME TOOO ! The same way as for you. Don't think for a minute you have a faulty remote. A brad new remote, does the exact same thing.... But my simple remote in the kitchen, which has not been updated reverts to the last channel and back again. You are so patient, I've read all the hoops Spectrum has you jump through. It's their overlay. Spectrum and Roku had a war over $$$ a while back.... I would bet money they're still feuding. I haven't gotten a response besides asking about my specs. Nothing since. #neglectedbyspectrum
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At least I know that the problem is NOT just something I am experiencing.
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Just updated again. version 11 build 4193 Did NOT resolve the problem. Seems to forget the last ten channels, and reverts to the channel I watched yesterday or the day before. Hit back again.... another random channel.
I fixed it !!! Re paired the remote. Followed the steps with the old remote as if I was pairing a new remote. That seems to have cleared the memory of the odd channels the back button would revert to.
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Great job @transplantwest! This one was a real head scratcher, I appreciate you taking the time to let us know how you fixed it. @chet could you test to see if this works for you?
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I am not sure of what method you used to repair the remote. Both my remotes do not have the pairing button where the batteries go. When I go into the menu on roku it wants me to press that button.
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Its BACK.... reverts to a channel I watched three days ago, like it can't forget that number. I've re paired the remote and restarted the Roku app. Rewind works fine on every single other application and use. These two channels seem stuck in it's memory, and trying a brand new remote for a different roku produced the same results.... so it's on the spectrum end
And Chet, you would have to look on the Roku site for re pairing a remote without the button. Sorry.
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Spectrum needs to call it "fourth last channel viewed" rather than last channel viewed. After re-pairing the remote, it cleared for a few channel "flips". Then back to fourth channel viewed. Now the mini directory is calling up shows no longer on. Or pulling up the shows menu, view , see episodes etc. I tried re-pairing again and restarting roku. no luck.
I'm thinking streaming alone without Spectrum might be the way to go.
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The quick guide isn't working right as well, on opening it pulls up whatever time the guide was last opened, that makes sense why shows come up on demand rather than live tv and the last viewed channel is reverting to "four channels ago". All this trouble with the back button seems to be tied to the overlay of the guide change. Re-pairing the remote, with and without restarting roku isn't working.
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New system update available, ran it, now version 11 build 4193-46
Restarted Roku system. Back button now works going to last channel viewed and the quick guide has the right time not three hours prior.
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My 'last channel viewed' started working correctly a few days ago. Not sure how or why it started working correctly , but certainly glad it did! Maybe someone decided that YES this might have been a REAL problem with their update and decided to dig into it.
Happy Happy Happy!