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Can’t install wifi profile because the account button is missing on the app ?

BSartist Posts: 4 Spectator

Instructions for installing a wifi profile say to select account and then install wifi profile. My app is missing the account button along the bottom. So there is no way for me to get to an option to install the wifi profile. If I tap the man icon on top right to get to account info, there is no option to install it there either.



  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,341 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @BSartist, welcome to our community!

    The account button is the icon that looks like a head in the top right hand corner of the home page. What options do you see when you select that? Have you tried reinstalling the app?

  • wickerberry
    wickerberry Posts: 74 Contributor

    BSartist is correct, I can no longer find the wifi profile install anywhere on My Spectrum App. I have a reinstall of the app and did look under the account icon, it is not there or in any other place on the app at least that I can see.

  • BSartist
    BSartist Posts: 4 Spectator

    I tried reinstalling and the icon top right. All it shows is:

  • wickerberry
    wickerberry Posts: 74 Contributor

    That's how my account page looks there is no wifi profile download. I also updated the app, signed off/on and still could not find the link anywhere on the app that used to be there.

    To one of the moderators do you know why we can't see this or if the function will be put back??

    Thank you

  • atehrani99
    atehrani99 Posts: 5 Spectator

    I have this exact same issue. It looks like the app was updated and lost this feature to get the wifi profile. Any help would be appreciated

  • atehrani99
    atehrani99 Posts: 5 Spectator

    @William_M any ideas why it does not appear in the app to install the profile?

  • BSartist
    BSartist Posts: 4 Spectator

    I’ve been on a chat and phone call with support twice for 40 minutes each. Total dead end. They either forward me the obsolete instructions (twice) or leave me sitting listening to silence while they search documents without speaking. And won’t escalate telling me “this wouldn’t be fixed right now anyway. This is showing weakness in a few areas of Spectrum Mobile. At least: Software development/QC, documentation, and customer support. And I literally just switched to them this weekend.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓

    Thanks for you comments. I reached out to the app developers and this is a known issue impacting some devices. The developers are currently working on a fix and expect the fix will be included in a future update.

    Until the update is available, you can still join an available public Spectrum hotspot network manually using your Spectrum credentials.

    We appreciate your patience.

  • BSartist
    BSartist Posts: 4 Spectator

    Thank you very much. Finally a real answer. There is hope! :)

  • atehrani99
    atehrani99 Posts: 5 Spectator

    @James_M thank you for the info. When can we expect the fix to be pushed to the Google Play Store?

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited August 2022

    Unfortunately, there is not an estimated timeframe available for the fix.

  • atehrani99
    atehrani99 Posts: 5 Spectator

    10.16.0 version of the app was updated on my phone, but the issue persists unfortunately 😕

  • wickerberry
    wickerberry Posts: 74 Contributor

    Yes I checked the My Spectrum App on my iPhone, it was updated to 10.16.0 but the wifi profile install option is still not available. The certificate I currently have expires in less than 3 weeks so I suspect many users will be affected if that is allowed to expire without an update.

  • jrockman
    jrockman Posts: 4 Spectator

    I had reported this issue about 10 days ago, jumped through various hoops of random customer service agents who didn't have knowledge of the issue (from the typical responses of denying that the functionality existed, to telling me that I must contact my phone's manufacturer as it had nothing to do with Spectrum, to one agent who, when I politely asked to be transferred to a specialist took great offence because they had an engineering degree so they would definitely be able to solve it - spoiler alert, they didn't even know what a certificate was and then emailed me the setup terms and conditions document insisting that it was a 'certificate'), until I stumbled on someone who seemed to want to help, carefully took notes, and told me they'd try and escalate it.

    Unexpectedly a couple of days ago I received a phone call from Spectrum to inform me that they expect the app to be updated to resolve the issue on or before September 8, so maybe they will fix it... We can only hope.

    One other thing: At one point I thought I'd be clever and install an older version of the app, in order to install the certificate, but the older versions force-upgrade to the latest one so that doesn't work!

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited September 2022

    Excellent work & informance @jrockman ! My compliments to you. Who knows what all makes & models of devices in what all vicinities this forthcoming update is going to roll the config profile out to, but, if true, it shows that Spectrum is working on it & might soon be getting there.

  • jrockman
    jrockman Posts: 4 Spectator

    Version 10.17.0 was pushed to my Android phone this morning and the certificate installation functionality is still missing.

  • jrockman
    jrockman Posts: 4 Spectator

    Some further information I was able to gather: Apparently Spectrum purposely removed the functionality because it was "interfering with Spectrum's Cellular Phone Service", and there's now no ETA on when it will be re-implemented but they are supposedly still working on it.

  • razorsoup
    razorsoup Posts: 6 Participant

    Version 10.17.0 which I received today does not remedy the situation.

  • wickerberry
    wickerberry Posts: 74 Contributor

    I've recently read (not from Spectrum) that the Wifi Profile was removed weeks ago and is only available to their mobile customers so it sounds like a business decision not a technical issue as to why it is missing. I hope that is not the case it should be available to all paying customers and I obviously can't confirm what I read so I'd ask James or another moderator to comment, hopefully what I read is not accurate. Thanks

  • atehrani99
    atehrani99 Posts: 5 Spectator

    @James_M do we know when this feature will be restored? Or shall we expect a regression in the expected service? Our understanding is that all Spectrum customers should be able to access the Wi-Fi hotspots


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    This is a known issue impacting some devices. The developers are currently working on a fix and expect the fix will be included in a future update.

    Until the update is available, you can still join an available public Spectrum hotspot network manually using your Spectrum credentials.

    We appreciate your patience.

  • Tavares6991
    Tavares6991 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    You can install the profile without the app by using https://wifiprofile.spectrum.net/ until it is fixed within the app.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited September 2022

    Good call but that might not do anything for every eligible subscriber, everywhere, and the certificate therein might expire in a few days, anyway. I think Spectrum's ironing out some wrinkles and, when they've got them all ironed out, the app tap will show up for all eligible subscribers, by and by, whether that calls for an app update or not.

  • jrockman
    jrockman Posts: 4 Spectator

    Unfortunately, at least for me, https://wifiprofile.spectrum.net merely prompts to go the Google Play Store to install the app.

  • wickerberry
    wickerberry Posts: 74 Contributor

    Since the current certificate expired on 9/20 and this backup link also downloads an expired certificate I'd ask one of the moderators to at least arrange with the developers for updated cert be available on this backup download while Spectrum fixes whatever technical issue exists that took it off My App in the first place.

    Thank you


  • dre23akind
    dre23akind Posts: 1 Newcomer

    @Tavares6991 thank you for this I was going nuts this morning looking & trying to install the Wi-Fi profile.

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