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1080P output resolution selection missing even though cable box has the ability..

Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

Why doesn't Spectrum include 1080P as an output resolution option in their cable box menu when your cable boxes already have the capability? It used to be a selection.

The reason I ask is I have an Onkyo surround sound receiver that can upscale to 4K but the input has to be 1080P (doesn't upscale with 1080i). This a common thing, I have never found a 1080i to 4K upscaler only 1080P to 4K.

To test that the cable box had the ability I turned the cable box off and selected menu then changed the 1080i output (with the output going through my receiver) and the TV input shows 1920X1080 then I changed the cable box to 1080P and observe the input resolution change to 3840X2160. Of course as soon as I turn on the cable box it switches back to 1080i.

I don't see how simply changing the software to include this option would cost anything and I have seen others that have the same frustration post on other forums. At a time when most people are getting rid of cable TV and the associated boxes I would think that this ability/feature would be an asset you would take advantage of.



  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,327 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hi @Tom63010, welcome to our community!

    TV Stations usually broadcast in 720p or 1080i, so 1080p would already require upscaling. Some cable receivers do you have 1080p option, you can check the manuals to see the resolution supported. You can exchange your receiver at any Spectrum store, but we cannot guarantee they will have any specific model available.

    As an alternative, you can use the Spectrum TV app on one of these devices, most support 1080p or higher.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    The cable box does support 1080P but the programmers for your boxes did not include it as an option.

    I have a DCX3501MHD-DVR and I used the link to find in the introduction portion of the manual: "• 1080p 24/30 video decode and 1080p 24/30/60 video output support"

    Could you please check to see why the 1080P output selection is not included in the resolution selection?

  • catchtwentytwo
    catchtwentytwo Posts: 176 Contributor

    Unless I'm mistaken, your DCX3501MHD-DVR was first introduced in 2010 and it is unlikely that its firmware/software will be updated. Check with a local Spectrum Store and see if they have any WorldBox STBs running the New Spectrum Guide. Ours supports 1080p..

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    Interesting, I just got that cable box this summer as a replacement after my old cable box was taken out by lightning. Like I said in my first entry if you shut off the box and select menu 1080P is a selection and when I change it the signal sent to my Onkyo receiver sees it as 1080P and upscales it to 4K. Even if I leave it set to 1080P as soon as I turn it on and it loads the Spectrum software it reverts back to 1080i. I have done this before and when it had older version (my other box was the same model) of Spectrum software it would change it to 480i.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    I also have a DCX3520-MHD-DVR that works the exact same way.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,760 Contributor

    To add to this,

    A lot of the TV stations can't broadcast in 1080p technology. You will need an HD TV and the corresponding Apps to do this. echoing what @William_M has said.

    My recommendation is to proceed with caution on box swaps, just to try to get a higher resolution technology. You don't know what make and model you are going to get and you could be trading in an older box with no problems, for a box that could give you problems. In my view, box swaps should be taken as a last resort, only after signals, lines, and other issues have been verified by techs as OK.

    Not everyone agrees with this, but I tell people, "Don't rock your boat in a calm sea." or another way to put this, "Don't "fix" what's not broken."


  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor

    Hey @Tom63010 , first, just curious if the 1080p selection properly persists with the cable receiver connected directly to the TV? If so, you could then try the HDMI-USER subsetting in lieu of HDMI-AUTO under Additional HDMI Settings and then see if the 1080p will then also properly persist with the cable receiver connected to the Onkyo.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    HT_Greenfield. Thanks for the suggestion. I have a splitter, one side goes to HDM1 on my TV and other side to goes to HDMI 2 via the Onkyo receiver.

    I changed the the cable box to HDMI-USER like suggested. While that setting was still there after turning off the cable box to exit the system menu (not sure if that is the proper technical term for the cable box being off and selecting the menu button) settings. The HDMI-USER setting does persist but once again the resolution reverts back to HDMI 1080i.

    I then turned the cable box back on and changed the resolution to 720P. I then turned the cable box off and selected menu and the cable box was now 720P.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    Before any more replies that talk about different resolutions that channels are broadcasting in. That doesn't matter because whatever video resolution setting I select that will be the resolution that the cable box will output.

    Here is what I know:

    1. There is a 1080P selection when I am in the system menu (cable box off then selecting menu).
    2. The cable box I have is outputting 1080P resolution when 1080P is selected in the system menu.
    3. My selection of 1080P is changed in the cable box's system menu to whatever my selection is in the Spectrum menu when the cable box is turned on.

    Here are my possible conclusions:

    1. The signal from Spectrum doesn't allow the cable box to output 1080P.
    2. Spectrum is not willing to update their software to accommodate their customers.

    I lean more to the second conclusion than the first. In the past Spectrum included a resolution of 1080P.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    Also to anyone suggesting I use the Spectrum App that would mean I would lose my DVR features such as recording, pausing, and rewinding live TV.

    I use Spectrum app on my iPhone, a wall mounted TV in my bedroom, and a TV I take outside.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited October 2022

    Good info, Tom. I’m afraid that the HDMI splitter may be the problem as you’ve not stated whether the 1080p works fine with the cable receiver connected directly to the TV with nothing but an HDMI cable. If it doesn’t, unless the HDMI cable is faulty, then i guess the cable receiver doesn’t actually support 1080p.

    Either way, you don’t need a splitter. Just connect the Onkyo receiver to the TV’s ARC HDMI port and connect the cable receiver directly to another HDMI port on the TV. Select the cable receiver HDMI on the TV when you want to watch cable TV (audio should pass through to the Onkyo) and select the Onkyo HDMI on the TV when you want to watch whatever else you have connected to the Onkyo. 

    Also, i guess the HDMI-USER setting apparently does nothing. HDMI auto detect & select appears to prevail regardless of that setting which is a good thing for the most part.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    I'm actually getting rid of my splitters (PC, DVD, and Cable Box) that split the signal to Surround Sound and HDMI 1 on my TV. Unfortunately I have only two HDMI ports on my TV. I ordered a 4 input 2 output Matrix Switch

    The issue is the operating software Spectrum wrote does not allow a 1080P output signal.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor

    If you just connect the cable receiver to the TV's HDMI input, and the Onkyo's HDMI ARC output to the TV's HDMI ARC input, and the PC & DVD to Onkyo HDMI inputs, i can't figure out how you wouldn't be able to get the audio to the Onkyo & the video to the TV from any of your A/V sources with nothing but HDMI cables (along with all of the right settings et c.) I mean, i'd think that the Onkyo A/V receiver did home-theater style HDMI reception, bridging & switching. So i don't get it but that's my problem and my bad. Good luck, Tom!

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    I bought a 4 input 2 output HDMI switch and took 3 HDMI splitters back to Menards. I connected one output to my TV and the other to one of the inputs on my surround sound receiver.

    @HT_Greenfield Not sure if you the complete thread. I proved that the cable box has the ability to output by turning it off and selecting menu. Not sure what that menu is called root menu comes to mind. Anyway I can change the output to 1080P in this mode and observe that my input from the Onkyo SS has changed from 1080 to 4K. Once again it is the programmers at Spectrum that decided to remove the 1080P as a selection in their set up once the cable box is turned on for some no known good reason.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited November 2022

    Hey Tom, just curious if the 1080p works fine with the cable receiver connected directly to the TV with an HDMI cable. Whatever else you're connecting it to, regardless of what happens in settings mode, if it's not detecting 1080p capability in normal mode, it's not going to upconvert anything to it. It's just going to default to the de facto 720p or 1080i format of whatever channel it happens to be decoding at the time.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited November 2022

    @HT_Greenfield You stated: "You’ve still not stated whether the 1080p works fine with the cable receiver connected directly to the TV with nothing but an HDMI cable." I have in fact already covered that. That is the very topic of this posting. When I turn on the cable box the only choice I have for 1080 resolution is 1080i so how could I possibly know if 1080P works fine? As I stated I know I can set the resolution to 1080P like I have seen cable techs do in the past by bringing up the cable box's menu when it is shut off (not unplugged of course). TV connected directly to cable box tracks the 1080i output of the cable box.

    In regards to "if it's not detecting 1080p capability in normal mode, it's not going to upconvert anything to it. It's just going to default to the de facto 720p or 1080i format of whatever channel it happens to be decoding at the time." I just now connected my cable box to the TV input. Every station I turn to has an output of 1080i. So you are wrong it does upconverts to 1080i ALL the channels.

    I have a PC as well as a DVD player that outputs 1080P and both of them the switch passes 1080P and the Onkyo Receiver upscales those 1080P input signals to 4K.

    Every station is converted to the video resolution selection made in the Spectrum menu. That is the issue there is no selection in the Spectrum Video Resolution Menu for 1080P. I contend if they added it the cable box is capable and would output 1080P. I have been a Charter/Spectrum customer for decades and know for a fact that there used to be a 1080P selection and it worked. Mind you that was before 4K. All I am asking is for Spectrum programmers to add it back.

    Here is my set up and what the results of selecting each input.

    Switch has 4 inputs and it shared based on the selection with both outputs.

    Port 1 is the Spectrum Cable Box, Port 2 is Sony DVD Player (Upscales Blue Ray to 4K) , Port 3 is Dell PC, and Port 4 I don't use but connected another non-upscaling Sony Blue Ray DVD Player for this test.

    Output 1, which is connected directly to TV's HDMI 1.

    Output was the same resolution as input.

    Input Selected Output Resolution

    Port 1: Cable Box 1080i

    Port 1: DVD Player 1080p

    Port 1: Dell PC 1080p

    Port 1: DVD Player 1080p

    Output 2, which is connected to Onkyo 1st HDMI input Onkyo output is to TV's HDMI 2

    Input Selected Output Resolution

    Port 1: Cable Box 1080i

    Port 1: DVD Player 3840 (4K)

    Port 1: Dell PC 3840 (4K)

    Port 1: DVD Player 3840 (4K)

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited November 2022

    Regardless of what happens in settings mode, if neither one of your cable receivers in normal mode will upconvert to 1080p when directly connected to an HD or UHD TV via HDMI, they're not likely to at all. I'd try to get them upgraded at your friendly neighborhood Spectrum store.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited November 2022

    @HT_Greenfield It won’t upconvert to 1080P because when you power up the cable box loads the settings and the Spectrum settings menu don’t have a 1080P selection, which I have stated as well as proves that the cable has the capability several times. I could replace this box a hundred times with a different model every time and it still would output 1080i as soon as it loaded the Spectrum settings. That is what is so frustrating is all they have to do is add the selection.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor

    Ok. Just curious, then, which guide is it that you have running on each of your Spectrum cable TV receivers?


  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    The first one when I enter 63010. Spectrum Guide. I do recognize the i guide, I believe that is what I had before.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor

    Ok, Tom, let me know if i have this straight. With the cable receiver connected directly to the TV and in normal mode, when you go into the Spectrum Guide menu, Settings & Support, Preferences, Audio & Video, Video, Video Resolution, SELECT RESOLUTION, you only see 720p & 1080i options (no 1080p). But when you put the receiver in settings mode, you do see the 1080p option. Is that right?

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor
    edited November 2022

    Yes, for HDMI settings 720 and 1080i are the only selections. If settings mode is when the cable box is plugged into the electrical outlet and when it is off you select menu.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor
    edited November 2022

    Comment edited due to major brain hiccup: if HDMI/YPbPr Output can be set 1080p60 (not Native) in settings mode User Settings and won't stay there in normal mode, then i'd have to agree with you that the Spectrum Guide software is somehow defeating 1080p on those non-Spectrum 2xx DVR receivers. If so, i'd try to swap them out for Spectrum 200 or 201 or 210 "Worldbox" DVR receivers. If they don't have any of those, then try get ones that are running the latest guide software other than Spectrum Guide. @Satch would know more about that than anybody. Perhaps he can enlighten you on what your options and expectations may be, based on your vicinity.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    Been there done that. No matter what I set it when it Spectrum settings changes it.

  • HT_Greenfield
    HT_Greenfield Posts: 926 Contributor

    I edited my previous comment without realizing you had already read and responded to it and that’s the second time i’ve done that today so, my bad, Tom. One other thing maybe worth trying if you haven’t already, assuming your receiver even has it, is Spectrum Guide menu, Settings & Support, Support, Refresh Spectrum Receiver, REFRESH. It runs in the background and takes up to 15 minutes to complete and the option remains grayed out until it’s complete.

  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    Yep, did that too, more than once.

  • catchtwentytwo
    catchtwentytwo Posts: 176 Contributor

    Tom63010: It sounds like your area has the New Spectrum Guide. Have you checked with the nearest Spectrum Store to see if they have any World Boxes in stock? As I mentioned earlier, our World Boxes (with the New Spectrum Guide) can be set to 1080p and it "sticks".

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,760 Contributor


    Comment edited due to major brain hiccup: if HDMI/YPbPr Output can be set 1080p60 (not Native) in settings mode User Settings and won't stay there in normal mode, then i'd have to agree with you that the Spectrum Guide software is somehow defeating 1080p on those non-Spectrum 2xx DVR receivers. If so, i'd try to swap them out for Spectrum 200 or 201 or 210 "Worldbox" DVR receivers. If they don't have any of those, then try get ones that are running the latest guide software other than Spectrum Guide. @Satch would know more about that than anybody. Perhaps he can enlighten you on what your options and expectations may be, based on your vicinity.


    Thank you for this information @Tom63010 @HT_Greenfield,

    Tom has provided to us that he is in a legacy Charter market. He would have to wait until World Boxes come out in his market and very likely wait for a software update that would allow native 1080p resolution to pass through the boxes. It sounds like 1080p resolution is not yet offered on many stations. Or maybe any stations via the Spectrum Receivers of any kind.

    I would suspect that the other CATV box guides in legacy Charter markets are not modern enough to do 1080p resolution. I am not an authority on the Spectrum app, but it appears that this would offer the best resolution technology for those markets. @HT_Greenfield , what is the output resolution for customers who choose to watch Spectrumtv.net.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,760 Contributor
    edited November 2022


    If your market has New Spectrum Guide, that is the latest and newest CATV guide running on a World Box. ("No clock model.") But, if your market has Spectrum Guide and World Boxes, your division may not have updated yet to the latest version of the Spectrum Guide software. That process goes through testing and individual market and node adaptation. Generally, the newest hardware, (World Boxes) get the updates first, and than roll out gets phased in stages based on readiness to the other boxes.

    Spectrum Guide continues to expand, but not all markets have it in some footprints. This is why knowing the box make and model and the guide software that you are running is important for feedback analysis.


  • Tom63010
    Tom63010 Posts: 37 Contributor

    I have Spectrum guide with old boxes.

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