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How do I access email subaccounts set up under brighthouse

Been a long time customer. I set up rr email account when under brighthouse. I had set up email sub accounts. Once Spectrum took over I could no long access/manage the email sub accounts. How do I regain access/control over those rr email subaccounts?
Best Answers
I think the idea is that the secondary email accounts may have since been locked after 6 months of inactivity and that you might be able to log in with your primary email account to the same management portal used to create secondary accounts, now, in order to unlock them. In your case that portal is https://selfcare.rr.com/login
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Thank you HT_Greenfi,
The solution you provided of going to https://selfcare.rr.com/login works perfect. I appreciate everyone taking time to respond to my query.
Thank you very much
Hello @cspurgis
Welcome to our community! I used the registration information for the community to look at the account and I am seeing quite a few active mail boxes. Are you getting a particular error message when trying to access the mailbox(es)? What website are you using to log in?
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Thank you for responding Renee,
I am logging in with this website. https://webmail.spectrum.net/mail/auth
I also logged into my main spectrum account at spectrum.com.
I tried clicking every link on the page and subsequent pages which would pull up. Perhaps I missed the one that would have given me access.
Thank you for your assistance.
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Thank you for responding William,
I do not see where the self care page is. I see manage account. But that does not pull up a self care page. I see nothing that says self care. I click on self care in your response but nothing happens. Is there a link you can provide which I can click on? I looked on my main account at spectrum.com and I looked at . https://webmail.spectrum.net/mail/auth
Perhaps the self care page is somewhere other than on the sites I went to?
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
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If you log in the selfcare page you will see Your info and People. If you click on People, you will see your email addresses. Here you can Manage Contact info, Update Password or delete. You cannot have more than 5 email addresses, if you do you would have to delete an account to create a new one.