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Why does my audio go out of sync on the spectrum app?



  • df4604
    df4604 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Having the same problem. Called Spectrum support and ran through all the same old restart exercises. None of those fix the problem.

    No audio sync issues with any other app on our Apple TV 4K device. Spectrum tech agreed it has to be either an Apple device issue or a Spectrum App issue. The only change is the Spectrum App update which was done/implemented about when we started experiencing the audio sync issues.

    It seems like the audio gets out of sync after commercial breaks.

    After you get back out of whatever channel you are watching and return to the show the audio is in sync. But that only lasts for a few commercial cycles and then we lose sync again.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    @All who have posted - 

    I have forwarded this thread and the general content to the app developers for investigation. I will provide an update when one is available.

  • Bomber
    Bomber Posts: 7 Spectator

    Having the same issue and have tried rebooting several times.

  • RanchoMirageUser
    RanchoMirageUser Posts: 3 Spectator

    Same issue. Every 15 minutes-or-so the audio repeats the last few seconds, then is out of sync until channel is changed or AppleTV is rebooted. Seems to happen more often after a commercial break. Spectrum tech said “they are aware of the problem.” Looks like they pushed it off to the app developer. Fix it, or I’m gone!

  • Sinclairebell
    Sinclairebell Posts: 1 Spectator

    Like everyone else, I have the same problem with Spectrum and Apple TV. Here are some more observations:

    1. I have put my Apple TV units (I have 4) in another house with Comcast Xfinity and DO NOT Have the problem. This leads me to believe that it is a Spectrum Issue.
    2. Every time a local commercial is inserted (usually a Spectrum commercial BTW), it hangs the live tv. It does come back after about a minute, but then the audio and video are out of sync. This happens mostly with live shows like CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News. It happens every time with inserted local commercials, and it happens only occasionally with some cable channels like HGTV, Hallmark, and so forth.
    3. I have used Spectrum On Demand and it doesn’t happen with On Demand shows.
    4. I have rebooted Apple tv units, deleted the Spectrum app, and everything you all have suggested to no avail. I even have reset the Internet modem. No change, still hangs with local commercial insertion.
    5. Will you please fix! There are enough of us having the same problem, so there should be a ticket and Spectrum developers working to fix this,
  • Bomber
    Bomber Posts: 7 Spectator

    Same issue and have tried rebooting several times without success. Doesn't matter if I am using the apple box or viewing on-line.

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,147 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    @Sinclairebell, @Bomber and others

    Our app team is aware of this issue and working on a fix. Please look for a future update that will address this issue. Unfortunately, there is not a timeframe available.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • Alientek
    Alientek Posts: 6 Participant

    Just FYI, after installing the most recent Spectrum App update (v 2.52) yesterday, audio sync issue happens more frequent than previously.

  • Kmiller
    Kmiller Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited January 2023

    For quite some time I have been experiencing this audio going out of sync, on both my Apple TVs. I have Uninstalled and reinstalled the app, check all updates, contacted spectrum and they checked signals, then yesterday sent a tech out who just replaced my modem and router. The issue still continues. Each apple tv has great signal to the router as well. I also tried looking for help at Apple support, with no help.

  • Gsb
    Gsb Posts: 5 Spectator

    Not sure what in the world is going on at spectrum but the audio sync is bizarre tonight. Making live tv impossible to watch did everything again along with restarting modem and unplugged 4K box 3 times. Before this started happing tonight the guide on the app totally froze and not even unplugging would fix until unplugged modem. Getting really tied of the lack of quality with spectrum services

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  • Mschmaltz
    Mschmaltz Posts: 12 Participant

    Yesterday (Friday) the problem was much, much worse. It happened so frequently, the TV was almost unwatchable. By the way, this morning (Saturday) not as frequent so far, but the picture froze on the frick'n SPECTRUM internet service commercial. How ironic is that???

  • Mschmaltz
    Mschmaltz Posts: 12 Participant

    What's interesting is that even though the video freezes, the audio continues. So you keep hearing the other commercials as the stream progresses, but with the video stuck on the commercial it originally froze on.

  • Gsb
    Gsb Posts: 5 Spectator

    Just another app problem Spectrum are you listening. Watching a cloud Darin library all is fine for about 10 min and it jumps back to live tv with the screen frozen like in menu. Reset 4K live tv comes back but library not working. A menu on button to start from beginning is on screen and won’t go away

  • WWilson1274
    WWilson1274 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I've been experiencing the same exact issue as everyone else here. It is not a hardware issue, but a spectrum app issue. I have 3 Apple TVs (Gen 1 & 2 4k and one HD). The app audio goes out of sync on all of them. I switch channels and go back, and it is resolved. About half an hour later, it does the same think. I've tested them all with wired and wifi internet connections, and it does the exact same thing. Whether I play the audio through my sound bar or the TV build in audio, or using my AirPods, the issue happens.

    It is definitely an app issue, not anything on our end.

  • RanchoMirageUser
    RanchoMirageUser Posts: 3 Spectator

    It’s really bad again tonight. I’m sick of Spectrum saying “they are aware of the issue.” Well, do something (or cancel my service)!

  • Gsb
    Gsb Posts: 5 Spectator

    Just had another sync issues. It’s been better all day. I call tech line and could see I had all kinds of issues and could see that audio would go out of sync looking at my feed.. this was after she talked to someone else and she told me someone ekes had called in. With same complaint. I also had issues with the library screen freezing up and only way to fix was unp,ug the 4K and plug in. She replicated it on her side under my account feed. She uploaded a update to the modem. I rebooted my router after. She said it was happing when the internet speed was lower and not stable. The signals she sent or had someone send seemed to help all last night no sync issues and library works. But just a few moments ago the audio had the double voice and was out of sync. Changed channel and working. Still a problem with app. I also updated new apple software on the 5th

  • SNC
    SNC Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same Issue here, hoping for a fix soon, so i don't have to go back to Hulu....

  • Mschmaltz
    Mschmaltz Posts: 12 Participant

    I know part of the challenge for software developers resolving problems like this is being able to reliably replicate the issue. Don't know if they've gotten beyond that stage of debugging yet. But just in case they haven't, the picture froze this morning at exactly the same spot on the Spectrum advertisement that it froze a couple of days ago. It is the Spectrum ad depicting two salesmen in a conference room trying to sell a business owner a one-size-fits-all solution to his network problems. The commercial aired in Hawaii (Big Island) at approximately 10:30 AM HST on 1/10/2023. Interestingly enough, at this time, the audio stayed in sync once the video came back after a while. The frame it froze on pictures a close-up of the two salesmen (the business man wasn't in the picture) sitting side-by-side together at the conference table. The salesman on the right is looking at his cellphone. Sure seems to point to some kind of imbedded metadata issue.

  • Mschmaltz
    Mschmaltz Posts: 12 Participant

    Hey, all.... I noticed in Hawaii that Spectrum just pushed an update out for their app. Fingers crossed that this update is to fix the audio problem.

  • Alientek
    Alientek Posts: 6 Participant

    Just installed v2.53 update…

    Audio sync issue now happens more frequently. Watching FX channel & looses sync during commercial breaks. Change channel & then immediately back to initial channel before commercials end. When the program resumes after commercial break it looses sync again. In the last hour of watching, have had it happen over 6 times.

    Other thing that I noticed is that it does NOT happen while watching TNT.

  • Kmarshall
    Kmarshall Posts: 3 Spectator
    edited January 2023

    I just updated the spectrum app (2.53 Build date - 1/9/23) and it appears to be out of sync by maybe a 1/2 second - what makes this more annoying is that when I change the channel and go back - it’s still out of sync. It’s been a since November I’ve been experiencing this problem - I can’t believe there’s no fix yet. The main channel it is happening for me is on Hallmark - TNT did not seem to be affected as another person said.

    also - I wish they would fix the app so that you don’t have to constantly choose Exit to LIVE TV to start watching - why can’t it just go back to the last channel you were watching?

  • Kmarshall
    Kmarshall Posts: 3 Spectator
    edited January 2023

    After watching another Hallmark channel now for about 20 minutes it is now totally out of sync. This 2.53 update definitely not working !

  • Gsb
    Gsb Posts: 5 Spectator

    All day different channels audio gets out of sync regularly. Sometimes after a few min. A couple of times stayed out of sync after changing channels

  • mdonis
    mdonis Posts: 15 Participant
    edited January 2023

    I also have been having audio Sync issues with the Spectrum App TV on my Apple TVs. ( Apple TV HD, Apple TV 4K 1st Gen and Apple TV 4K 3rd Gen) Here is what I have done and the issue comes back.

    1. Power cycle cable modem and Router
    2. Factory Restore Apple TVs and Router
    3. Replaced Network and HDMI cables
    4. Replaced Apple TV 4K 1st Gen with Apple TV 4K 3rd Gen 128GB with Network port
    5. Replaced Router ( New Router is an Asus RT-AX58U.
    6. Uninstall and reinstall App

    It happens randomly at any time off the day and the only way to fix it is change the channel and them go back to the channel I was watching. This issue does not happen with any other Streaming service.

    FYI..! In case you are wondering. Only one Apple TV is used at a time and my internet speeds are 350Mbps for download and 12 upload

    I also notice that the audio sync issue happens after commercial breaks.

    is there any updates about this issue?

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,795 Contributor

    Hey Guys,

    I don't use the Spectrum TV App, but a tech guy posted to try this here:

    On an Apple TV, one can try to toggle the "Match Frame Rate" setting in Settings > Video and Audio > Match Content to see if things get better/worse.

    Post your results.

    I don't have any other information about other platforms at this time. I was informed that the service techs who come to your house really can't do anything about app problems. They only deal with installations, equipment swaps, signal/line checks, and equipment/line upgrades. Unfortunately, users might have to wait this out til an update fix can be applied for everyone.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,795 Contributor


    Another customer just told me that his Spectrum TV app goes out of sync when Spectrum inserts a local commercial ad. The only way to correct the syncing problem is to change channels, and than go back to the previous channel.


  • Alientek
    Alientek Posts: 6 Participant

    Replying to Satch…

    It happens most often after they have inserted a commercial. So not during the inserted commercial, but during the one after.


    Shortly after the program resumes after a commercial break that includes an inserted commercial.

    I was taking note of every instance the sync issue happened, & EVERY time there was an inserted commercial prior to it happening. Prior as in within a minute - minute & a half prior.