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DVR fast forward

Unable to ff or rewind on most recorded programs. I was sent a replacement DVR last month. I tried doing a reboot and the still persists. Please help
Best Answers
Welcome @cincychaz,
You indicated that this is a set top box DVR. Can you also tell us the model number of your remote control and the buttons that you are using to rewind or fast forward? Can you provide a screenshot of your remote control? I am wondering if the remote control could be the culprit?
Since the issue has happend on two DVR's, I would get a service tech dispatched to your house to have him try the remote and see what could be wrong. He should check signals and your drop line. If signals are not good, your drop line will need to be replaced. Equipment swaps won't solve bad signals. The FF/RW issue could be a remote control issue or signal issue. Get a tech to your home.
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Good Morning Charles, Thanks for the updates!
I would suggest calling Spectrum Customer Care on your bill. Let them know about the RW-FF issues with your DVR, on recorded shows, that you had the DVR swapped out, and the same issue occurs, but only on some programs.
Ask your CSR to please reauthorize your DVR to your account. If that does not work, a service call would need to be scheduled. When your tech visits, let him know that box swaps have not helped. Than, like I said before, he will test your remote. (Tune to a completely recorded channel where RW-FF does not work so that the tech can see this.) Than, your tech will probably check your signals and lines, if he finds that the remote is not an issue. With two boxes doing the same thing, we know you don't have a box issue. This is a remote issue, or a signal/line issue. .
Is this a 210 World Box? (No clock on the panel?
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Did it recently stop working or was it the same problem on both boxes. Was the replacement the same model shown in your picture (AKA WorldBox). If you sign in to your account at spectrum.net and click on this link https://www.spectrum.net/support/category/tv there are a lot of helpful tutorials.
The most important is Which Guide Do I Have? https://www.spectrum.net/support/tv/which-guide-do-i-have?redirected=true. If you have New Spectrum Guide, there are video tutorial built in. Let us know which guide you have.
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For whatever it's worth, the INPUT button on that remote contains the contact feedback LED for all of the buttons. If it doesn't light up any time you push any button, try again with more pressure. You could also RF-pair the remote with the receiver. The RF-pairing routine is within the Settings & Preferences menu. When you do that, it'll use RF instead of IR and will only work with the receiver it's effectively paired with.
Thanks for responding. Model number SR 002-R.
I did not have issue with previous DVR. It was replaced by Spectrum as a update. Previous model was very old although it worked just fine. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
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Just want to note that i am able to pause and rewind while watching live TV. Also of the the four programs that i taped i am only able to ff on just one.
Thanks again
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Yes it is a World Box(no clock).
I will try giving them a call later.
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Remote tip,
If remote keys don't work right. Get new FRESH batteries. Alkaline perform better than heavy duty. Use brand names like Energizers or Duracells, not generics.
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Hello. Thanks to everyone for the replies. I erased all recorded programs and did another reboot. Recorded several random shows and the FF function seems to working. I want to note that i had no problem with the previous receiver. Spectrum swapped it out because it was an outdated receiver. Thanks for the battery tip.
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@cincychaz: Glad it is working now. The INPUT BUTTON on your Spectrum SR-002-R Remote will Flash Red Twice when the batteries are weak. The easy way to do do the test is to Press a single number key on the remote (I suggest you use the 2 key). That can be done with your DVR/STB on or off.
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Glad this issue has been resolved,
I encourage customers to only swap out their cable box receivers and DVR's as a last resort. You don't know what you are going to get in an exchange. The general rule of thumb is the following: for bad lines or signals or bad box:
1.) Pixilated picture, poor sound, slow remote response = Signal or line problems: Replace batteries in remote with fresh brand name batteries. Blocked remote line of sight Bad weather, nighttime maintenance. Replacing box won't do a thing for bad signals, wiring or lines. Tech needs to come out to update lines and wiring.
2.) Box is constantly rebooting. DVR makes a clicking sound that is very loud. Box simply refuses to boot at all = These are the conditions where a box swap is most likely needed.
An outdated box model does not mean a bad box. There are some customers who prefer the technology associated with the older boxes, remotes, and guides. Newer does not always equate to better. I personally prefer reliability over the latest and greatest technology.
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My compliments to you @cincychaz for letting people know how you fixed the problem and which type of DVR it was on!!