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Cannot delete series recording that has been cancelled. on Spectrum 201 DVR

Using the Spectrum 201 DVR, there is no option to delete a series recording that has been cancelled. The series shows up under Series Priority but you only have an option to move it up or down but not to delete it. This is a major flaw in the software for this DVR.. There should be a "Manage Series Recordings" option when you click DVR. There are numerous complaints about this on this forum but it has mainly been ignored by Spectrum.
NOTE: If you still have one of the old silver remotes with the A, B, C, & D buttons you can select the recording that you want to delete by going to Series Priority, highlight the series, press C on old remote. That will delete the series.
Edit: you can try to effect whatever it is that the 🔴/C option button on the silver remote does by way of the ▲⚫️◾️/OPTIONS button on the Spectrum Remote.
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Sup @HT_Greenfield?
What is the procedure for deleting a series on Spectrum Guide where no episodes are in the database? I know that this issue has been asked before. Whatever "Old Remote C" button, does or did, on the legacy remote, should have the same effect on the World Box remote. where "Options" is the new button.
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Nothin’ but the house rent, Satch! Remember, man, that my i-Guide box is DVR and my Spectrum Guide box isn’t but the idea that anybody else has ever asserted on this forum a problem with cancelling a series recording specifically from a DVR box running Spectrum Guide is B.S. as far as i’m concerned and nobody ever cares to mention the name of whatever the problem series is anyway so why should i but i compliment you for your vigilance and awareness and expertise that so many of us Spectrum cable TV subscribers benefit from‼️
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The ▲⚫️◾️/OPTIONS button on the Spectrum Remote. only takes you to Closed Captioning, SAP, and Guide Narration.
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The issue is deleting a series recording that is cancelled or no longer aired. That series recording shows up in the Series Priority list and there is no option to delete it using the URC1160 remote.
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My bad. I’m a moron 🥴 but i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but then i realized tonight that i’ve no idea what i’m talking about nevertheless and i apologize for not realizing that sooner and thus failing to refrain.
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Please let's keep the conversation here respectul, users are just trying to help.
To stop automatically recording episodes of a TV series:
- Press the DVR button on your remote control and select Scheduled.
- Highlight an upcoming episode of the series and press OK.
- Select CANCEL RECORDING and confirm on the next screen.
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William_K: That does not work when a show has been cancelled and no longer aired. The whole issue here is how to remove a series recording from Series Priority when that series no longer exists. It cannot be done with the URC1160 remote that is supplied with Spectrum 201 DVR. As I stated before, it can be deleted by using the old silver remote, if you have one, by simply pushing the "C" button.
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Is it just that one show? Will you please provide the name of it? If you use the search function in the guide do you see the show listed?
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The show is Larry's Country Diner on the RFD Network. It is no longer aired. William, this is not a huge issue for me because I still have a couple of the silver remotes. I simply want to point out that it is a feature that is missing on the URC1160 remote. I know exactly how to delete a series recording that is still being aired. If you click on DVR>Series Priority you can see all of your series recordings. Your only option is to move them up or down. Ideally there should be an addition option to cancel. I might add that reruns of Larry's is now running on RFD but under a different title. I could choose to record these reruns as a series and it would show up in the Priority list with the new title, but the old title will still be there with no way to delete it with the URC1160 remote. Thanks.