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Error Reference Code DGE-1001

Dan808 Posts: 3 Spectator

I keep getting this error code after the new update to the app? I've tried clearing the cache and deleting the data and even re-installing the app after deleting it and this is all I continue to get. Is there a fix to this?


  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,184 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    What device are you using when you see this error code?

  • Dan808
    Dan808 Posts: 3 Spectator

    I have a Samsung s23 ultra

  • Renee_T
    Renee_T Posts: 873 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Thank you. Are you able to check on a different device to see if the error is limited to the s23 or if it's happening on multiple devices?

  • Dan808
    Dan808 Posts: 3 Spectator

    It just started working??? Strange but all good now. Thank you

  • William_M
    William_M Posts: 1,358 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    You're welcome! If you have any further trouble please try rebooting your internet modem/router, 1001 errors are often caused by connectivity problems.

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