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Can you change frequency gHz on a Spectrum Router?

My Spectrum router is a SAC2V1A and only has one network name. Does that mean I can’t manually change from 2.4 gHz to 5 gHz? I can’t use any of my smart devices because they run on 2.4 gHz and I think but am not sure my router is running right now on 5gHz. Is there any way to tell?
Best Answer
I found a solution on YouTube! When you have a router with one network that auto selects between 2.5 gHz and 5 gHz, you can still install your 2.4 gHz only devices. The 5 gHz has a short range, so go to the farthest part of your house, plug in your smart devices and they should automatically pick up the 2.4 gHz bandwidth which has the longer range. I had to try a few times with my first device, but once I got that connected, all the others connected. I have an ECHO Dot that controls the smart devices. I left the ECHo near the router when I did this. (I was able to set ECHO up without any problem with 5 gHz) Then I unplugged the devices and went to the room and outlet that I wanted them in. And hurray! They all turn off now with ECHO DOT.
The SAC2V1A routers do have both 2.4G and 5G networks broadcasting. The devices will switch automatically between the networks depending on which has the least amount of interference and the strongest signal. If they are only able to connect to the 2.4G network, that would be the network they would see as available.
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I’m having the same problem and my devices won’t connect or show the wireless network