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Galaxy A02s and My Spectrum App Crashing When Clicking 'Install Profile'

Posts: 2 Spectator

Model: SM-A025V

Carrier: Spectrum Mobile

Basically I open the My Spectrum app which works normally. I go to the "Install Spectrum WiFi Profile" page in the app and click on the button "Install Profile". At that point the app crashes (usually less than a second if not instantly). I have already uninstalled and reinstalled the app. This is a new phone, just got it 07/08/2021.

Any suggestions at this point about what my next steps should be in trying to get this to work properly? Has anyone else run into this issue before and successfully resolved it? Right now Spectrum chat support is basically telling me they don't support the app lol. Like really? This is a Spectrum app for goodness sake... but I digress.

Best Answer

  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi and welcome,

    Sorry for the frustration. This is a known issue with the app on some devices. Please look for an update in the near future which will add a fix for this issue.


  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    Thanks for the information. I really do greatly appreciate it. At least now I don't have to worry about it being something specific with the hardware on my new phone lol. :)

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