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We lost subtitles menu option on Spectrum TV App (Apple TV)

What happened to the subtitles menu from the top screen swipe down on the Spectrum App on Apple TV? We have lost it on 2 of our 3 TV's. So we can't turn subtitles on. Oddly, It's still there on a 3rd TV.....??
Best Answer
Deleting the app will not affect programming recorded and stored on the cloud. Cloud recordings can be accessed from any logged in device that has the app installed. You will need to reset some preferences, such as startup channel. If you prefer, you can try power cycling the Apple TV first (unplug it and then plug it back in), however deleting and reinstalling the app usually resolves most issues.
all 3 apps are running version 2.24 (4.29337692) build date 12/17/2021. Apple TV 4k software version 15.2
one of the TV's has a swipe down menu with options for: Info, On Now, Subtitles, Audio
The other 2 "problem" TVs have only the options for Info, On Now, Audio.
We would like to have the option to turn on and off subtitles, but don't see a way to do that since the option disappeared on 2 of our televisions. This happened in the past few days.
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Thanks. Can you try deleting and reinstalling the app on the Apple TV ? In addition, please restart the Apple TV and let us know if that resolves the issue.
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Uh before I delete the Spectrum App, I would like to know if it is going to delete all my data (namely recorded programs I have in my cloud DVR) The warning message says all data will be deleted, but Im not sure what that includes. I don't really want to delete the 70+ programs I have recorded. Please let me know.
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the reset of apple tv worked