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Roku app error code RBF-2512

Posts: 2 Spectator

For last few weeks I'm repeatedly having issues with multiple Roku devices logging into spectrum. I get error code RBF-2512. After several attempts using “automatically connect” it eventually connects and works fine. I see others online are having similar issues in December.


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  • Posts: 618 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited December 2022

    Good evening @Dalession and welcome to our community forums

    Thank you for reaching out to us about your concerns with our App. I am sorry for any inconvenience this must be causing you. I am not seeing any active concerns at this time. I am not sure what troubleshooting you have already completed. I recommend that you attempt to reset all the internet equipment. This can be done by unplugging the cable line, power line, and removing the battery backup if you have one for both the modem and the router for a solid 3-5 minutes. Are you able to try this and let us know?


  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    I have tried this already multiple times. This is the only (Roku) app and online streaming service having issues. It appears the app is having issues contacting the backend for authentication. The spectrum roku app was just updated again 12/14 — the second update that I have noticed this month.

  • Posts: 5,200 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited December 2022


    The Roku error RBF-2512 is an authentication error. The app uses the modem to authenticate and our tools show that the modem has been online for 28 days. Please restart the modem and if the issue continues, then delete the app, restart the Roku form the settings menu, and then reinstall the app. If the issue continues after those steps, please let us know.

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