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Spectrum TV app with Roku goes black random times while watching - RESOLVED



  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This does t sound like a random problem. It is happening on all my tv sets but only with the spectrum app. Have rebooted my router and modem and even my Roku device but it still happens. This is definitely a spectrum problem and your techs giving the same advice to everyone is not helping

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This has been happening to me with one tv only (we have two tv's). I know it is not a connectivity issue as I just restarted my modem and router and within 7 minutes the tv went black.

    Issue is only with Spectrum App, all other apps on my roku do not experience any issues.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2023
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  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same issue, random black screen only on spectrum app. No other apps have the issue. Sorry, it’s spectrum. Btw: while I’m on hold, don’t pitch me to buy your mobile service when you can’t get your tv service to work.

  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited December 2023


    Looks like there are several more posts from over the weekend. While it does still appear to be several individual issues, I have reached out to the app team and they are currently investigating. I will provide an update when one becomes available. In the meantime, others have posted that selecting the back button restores the programming stream. If you have tried this and it works for you, please let us know.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • Posts: 7 Participant

    Happening here at 6:51am and 6:51pm EST in Cincinnati metro area. Initially it was 6:38am & pm. Whatever time it is they are always 12 hours apart. That should be a clue to the Spectrum app programmers. So many other glitches too numerous to mention with this new update…like hit the right arrow in ROKU to get menu and the time is off by 30 minutes. If you hit enter, you get the info screen for the show 30 minutes later. This also started with the new update. Why do updates result in deterioration of app performance? I would like to go back to an an older version. Is that possible?

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    We also are seeing this problem. It started with the Spectrum update to the Roku app in mid November. Rebooting the modem hasn’t helped, neither has rebooting the Roku. If this is intermittent internet issues, then please fix the new app to NOT GO BLANK after one short hiccup! This us clearly an app issue.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm having the same issue. It's a bug, not connectivity.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    My Spectrum app goes black twice a day every twelve hours to the minute. Have reset the Roku devices to factory settings as well as the Spectrum app. Reset the modem and then had Sepectrum replace the modem two days ago and still have the same issue. Problem does not occur with other apps.

  • Posts: 3 Spectator

    Same issue with the screen just going black on Spectrum app. Also, DVRed shows randomly "pause" and you have to hit FF to get them going again. Very annoying! All of this started mid to late November 2023.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    This is DEFINITELY an issue with the Spectrum app ! - I will hit the OK button (you know the one that KEEPS POPPING UP when they think no one is watching) - Then go on my way of doing things - It can be as random as the next time I am in that room again, or 4x later, but the screen goes black - There is NOT the 4 hr time for me to have missed (At first that is what I thought, so started to pay more attention) - I have also done ALL the "suggested steps" - It's NOT US, or ROUTER or the TV - It's the SPECTRUM APP ! WHAT is so difficult to admit ?? It just started happening within the last month - Random times throughout the day - I deliberately had another channel on watching 48 Hours (the ROKU app channel), and that channel was on for over 7-8 hrs with NO ISSUES at all - We ALL have our reasons for having a TV on - We don't need to have to keep checking & repeating steps that CLEARLY will NOT FIX the main issue !! Just get someone to FIX IT ALREADY !

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    happened at 6 pm then 6 am exactly

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    Why does my spectrum app go black at 10:35pm and at 10:35am?

  • Posts: 3 Spectator

    Same problem here. The tv goes black and sound goes away twice per day for the 3 wks or so. If I hit the right button on the Roku, the picture and sound come back. Don't tell me to reboot as I have numerous times.

  • Posts: 3 Spectator
    edited December 2023

    Having the same issue. Chatted with someone who did some updating and rebooting to try to fix today. It did not work. This is a Spectrum issue.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I’m having the same issues on multiple Rokus. It has happened at least 3 times before 6:00 am. I just rebooted the Roku. I will see how it works. I agree that this is definitely a Spectrum issue.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I keep having the same issue with all my Rokus using the Spectrum App. It does not happen with any other app like Netflix or YoutubeTV. I tried restarting the modem and the Roku and the problem persists. This is Spectrum's default solution to any problem that crops up rather than addressing it.

  • Posts: 4 Spectator

    Issue is random.

    Pushing the right arrow then ok will bring back the guide and start the channel again.

    Very annoying - only happening on Spectrum app.

    No connectivity issues.

    Have reinstalled app.

    How do I fix this issue or is it a programming issue with the app?



  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited December 2023

    Updated 12/6/23


    I have reached out to the app team, provided detailed descriptions of this reported issue and they are currently investigating.

    I will provide additional updates when they become available.

    In the meantime, others have posted that selecting the back button restores the programming stream.

    Thanks for your patience.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same issue for several weeks with me. The screen just goes black. I cannot believe everyone in this forum is experiencing “connectivity issues.” It’s an app issue. Clearly.

  • Unknown
    edited December 2023
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  • Posts: 14 Participant
    edited December 2023

    Yes this is a problem. We tried EVERYTHING, factory resets, bought a new TV, a new ROKU, etc. all started mod November 2023. This is a problem. I am using google mesh if that matters.

    Please update ASAP, on way to buy new mesh. Trying everything

    My Vizio and Sony both crash

    Also, 30+ devices on same wifi, no problems whatsoever, only the Spectrum Roku app, I called tech support, just restarted wifi, didnt fix.

    Can we revert back to the prior build before 11.2.0? Had that for YEARS and NEVER had an issue.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited December 2023

    Please correct this issue with the Spectrum App and stop referring back to the same comment that it is a router issue. I know for a fact that it's not a router issue. This issue occurs on all of my Roku TVs and my router is just fine.

  • Posts: 14 Participant

    Spectrum, please provide an update ASAP, Started Youtube tv trial, no problems, will have to switch soon, thanks MM

  • Posts: 5,204 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    edited December 2023

    Updated 12/7/23


    The app team has reached out to our team and they are planning to release an update that will fix this issue in the very near future. I will provide an additional update when the app update is available.

    In the meantime, others have posted that selecting the back button restores the programming stream.

    Thanks again for your patience, and thank you to everyone who has brought this issue to our attention so it can be resolved.

  • Posts: 14 Participant

    wow, thanks!

  • Posts: 9 Participant

    I am having the same issues as all the commenter's. It is a Spectrum issue. I did not know this in the beginning because my tv was older and having missing pixels in a line at the top of the screen I assumed it was the tv. We bought a new one and I was pissed when it happened again !! I think we are owed a pro-rated refund for their ineptitude to upgrade a system.

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