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old roadrunner emails suddenly deleted

Posts: 2 Spectator
edited September 2024 in Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present

Hi, I had hundreds of emails that I had been saving in my roadrunner account. I noticed recently that suddenly they were all gone and just new (junk) emails were in the account. I did not delete them and they are not in the trash. I have logged into the account on my iphone, and on my laptop through the website. I charged up an old iphone and made sure it was in airplane mode and the emails are all there. I know that as soon as I connect to wifi, they will disappear because that's what happened when I opened up my Mail app on my laptop.

Is there any way to retrieve these emails?


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  • Posts: 618 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Good evening @kristin_r and Welcome to our Community Forums,

    Thank you for reaching out to us about some of your emails missing. When you are connected to your mobile network are you able to see those emails or are they also missing? I am trying to determine if this is just happening while connected to your home network. - Lyn


  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    They are missing when I am mobile as well.

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  • Posts: 960 Contributor
    edited May 2024


    Kind of a long shot but, since we're talking about multiple iterations of the email account set up in multiple apps on multiple devices:

    1. Look at the account via the webmail portal and determine which message that's still there goes the farthest back in time and what that date and time is.
    2. Then look at each app iteration of the account on each device other than the old iPhone and confirm whether each is set up as IMAP and that the farthest back message that's still there is the same one as via the webmail portal.
    3. Then look at the account in the app on the old iPhone and determine which message is the most recent of the messages that are still there but gone everywhere else and note the date and time of it.
    4. Then determine if the account is set up on the old iPhone as POP3: Settings app; ↳ Mail app; ↳ Accounts; ↳ subject account; ↳ Account Settings: does the top category headline in relatively smallish, light gray text say IMAP or POP3?
    5. If it says POP3, was the old iPhone ever actually on the air in between the date and time of the message determined in step 1 and that of the one of step 3?
  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    The same thing happened to me today. Could not go back past 7 pages and April 24th. was looking for something on April 18th. Everything gone before the 24th. Using web browser on computer.

  • Posts: 1,374 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Hey @jeff9657, welcome!

    Do you have any devices with a mail client like Outlook configured, or do you exclusively use our webmail portal?

  • Posts: 2 Newcomer

    This happened to my wife's roadrunner account today (June 17, 2024). Hundreds of email messages from 20 years disappeared from iphone mail (IMAP) and webmail. Spectrum tech support looked into it and said the messages could not be restored.

  • Posts: 960 Contributor

    @BrianS : Just curious : how far back do the messages that are still there go, and how recently had you still been using POP3 with any email client app?

  • Posts: 2 Newcomer

    @HT_Greenfield: The messages that are still there go back to June 9, 2020. She has not used a POP3 with any email client - only IMAP (on mobile devices) or webmail (on computers).

    As with @kristen_r above, I have found an old device (iPad 2 that was last used in 2023), charged it and disconnected from wifi. The emails that were lost (~200 going back to 2008) are there in the Mail App (IMAP). I haven't checked that all messages load, but the oldest ones do. I think I can now at least get a screenshot record of each of the emails that she was trying to recover.

    While this is happy/lucky ending, I am still confused by how such a large number of roadrunner/spectrum email messages can seemingly be mass deleted from an account for which all devices use either IMAP or webmail.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I was just doing a search and found this thread. I just had the same thing happen to me on 7/20/24. All emails in my inbox in all 3 devices (iphone, webmail, and laptop Outlook App), from 2/10/24 through 7/20 am all of a sudden disappeared. They are not anywhere to be found - I have checked spam, junk, deleted etc. They just disappeared. At least several hundred critical emails are gone. I spoke with Spectrum support and they blamed it on a device or user error. They have stated they do not have server backups/redundancies to retrieve lost emails and there is nothing they can do. I fully believe this is a Spectrum issue/action. Has anyone else found a solution to this? It's not clear to me from the above thread that there is a solution but wanted to ask here.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Same thing happened to me. I can't even log on. I haven't changed one thing, but suddenly Spectrum doesn't recognize my email. I contact support and they checked into it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Um hum I've had the email address since 2016 at least. I have no idea how much information I've lost and am losing due to people not being able to get in touch with me. I have resumes out linking to that email address. The first person who tried to help me evidently changed the email from sc.rr.com to twc.com. Now they say they're not able to recover my emails. This wasn't a me problem. This was a Spectrum problem when all of the outages happened. Their system glitched, but "have a nice day."

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