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Cloud DVR Playback Issues (recordings are freezing) - UPDATED 4/18/24 with a message from Spectrum



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  • Unknown
    edited March 2024
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  • Unio_Villager
    Unio_Villager Posts: 6 Spectator

    Started having the Cloud DVR issue over the past few days. Love Spectrum 1G internet service so switched from YouTube TV to Spectrum Streaming because Spectrum includes the History Channel. Will stay with Spectrum Streaming for a week or so but if these issues remain I’ll go back to YouTube TV. Fast forwarding through recorded programs was much easier and playback was flawless with YouTube.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,840 Contributor

    Good Afternoon

    If people are having non-stop issues with Cloud DVR, and they have done all the rebooting stuff, I would recommend switching your account to a traditional Spectrum DVR box. Make sure you get a tech out first to make sure your signals and lines are OK. Than get a regular DVR box. Don't get the XUMO streaming box! That has problems similar to cloud DVR and in my recommendation is not ready for prime time.

    You will get all the functions that you are supposed to get with a traditional DVR, like the ability to pause live TV and have greater control over watching and searching for shows. I consider the Cloud DVR and XUMO to be Beta products because they are very, very buggy.


  • Unknown
    edited March 2024
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  • FPH
    FPH Posts: 3 Spectator

    Just wanted to add my name to the many Spectrum customers having the same issue. Like everyone else I have performed all the suggestions to resolve the problem without success. There really is a problem with the Cloud DVR that I switched over to help lower my cost. As a Long time customer I am now thinking more about dropping my Spectrum service and trying a different internet service. I would hope Spectrum sees that they are loosing customers over the lack of progress on this problem.

  • Ronk1
    Ronk1 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am also having this issue on playback of recorded shows with streaming DVR service. It certainly appears to be a Spectrum issue at the main site. Maybe they should consult with youtube to see how they get it to work on Youtube TV. It works great.

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  • Frlassit
    Frlassit Posts: 2 Spectator

    I was getting the same xstrp-4001 error trying to watch dvr recordings. Mine just got fixed. The problem was the Humax modem. They switched my modem to a Sagecom modem and that fixed the problem.

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  • Unknown
    edited March 2024
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  • dcal
    dcal Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I have the same issues with the cloud DVR. The problem started within the last month for me, it worked fine until then. The issues are definitely on their end.

  • Freedonuts
    Freedonuts Posts: 2 Spectator

    I watched about half of a recorded event and when I wanted to finish it, it won’t load. Shows it’s there with the progress bar about halfway through but nothing happens but the 3 circles acting as though it’s loading. No error messages just returns to normal tv.

  • tsmithohio1234
    tsmithohio1234 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Cloud DVR has not worked for me for 2 months. Spectum,what is going on. This is a real problem.

  • Lyn_T
    Lyn_T Posts: 611 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good evening @Freedonuts and Welcome to our Community Forums

    Thank you for reaching out to us about your Cloud DVR not working as intended. I am sorry you have not been able to finish that recorded show. Is this happening on all of your devices or just one? Are you outside of the home when trying to view this or on your home network? - Lyn

  • Seancarroll27
    Seancarroll27 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    this is happening to me everytime! Please find an answer! I pay way to much for this not to work right!!

  • Dadaven
    Dadaven Posts: 7 Participant

    Agree, a continuing problem, despite following all the steps advised. Very frustrating and expensive failures.

  • Freedonuts
    Freedonuts Posts: 2 Spectator

    at home, didn’t check other boxes. Hours later it finally allowed me to view it.

  • BdC0117
    BdC0117 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I moved from a state with a Comcast/xfinity stronghold and we NEVER had these issues with “cloud DVR” maybe you should offer some real DVR that will consistently work. We are moving unfortunately to a location we will have to stay with spectrum, not happy as we are having issues daily, we may need to switch to a dish service. At least then we will know why it is t working like with weather systems!

  • s_112
    s_112 Posts: 4 Spectator
    edited April 2024

    DVR playback on most shows, stops, buffers, comeback blurry or put up a code. I've called 4 times. Reset tvs, modem, router. Deleted and reloaded app, same problem. They sent a technician to the house and he confirmed the cable and the equipment are functioning normally. We went to the app to save money but this is more aggravation then its worth. I don't even mind the no thumbnail thing, but stop telling your customers to reset everything like it's our problem when clearly this app isn't working as advertised

  • Lyn_T
    Lyn_T Posts: 611 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator

    Good evening @s_112 and Welcome to our Community Forums

    Thank you for reaching out to us about our Cloud DVR. I am sorry this is happening. Is this happening at all hours of the day or during a particular time frame? Also, have you attempted to watch any content when not connected to your Internet? -Lyn

  • s_112
    s_112 Posts: 4 Spectator

    This happens mornings and after 6 in the evening. I havent watched anything else without internet as that is all i have

  • James_M
    James_M Posts: 5,184 ✅ Verified Employee Moderator
    Answer ✓


    Our engineers are aware of this issue and working on a fix. Unfortunately, there is not an ETA available, but they are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

  • Bditty77
    Bditty77 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I just want to chime in on this and report I have the same issue with the cloud DVR from Spectrum.

    This needs to be resolved soon or I will be dropping the Spectrum TV portion.

    I really like the DVR option but it's almost unusable for playback. As of right now I regret changing from my old provider.

  • Metzzman
    Metzzman Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited April 2024

    What is Spectrum doing to fix the stopping of sound, video @ freezing on Xumo?

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