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Why am I hearing that some of my Disney-owned TV channels, including ESPN, may go away?



  • Localsiding
    Localsiding Posts: 2 Spectator

    Everything I can find and read about why Disney channels are pulled from Spectrum is that Spectrum won’t negotiate I good faith. Spectrum makes more than enough money by over charging us as it is for such a simple service. Get off your ass Spectrum and get back with Disney and work things out. This is a good way to lose customers. 

  • Radaanak
    Radaanak Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    I strongly encourage not giving in to the demands of ESPN and Disney. I do not support what they are about. I'd rather go without ESPN and anything Disney than to support what they hold dear.

  • sfs
    sfs Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    When and what will our credits be shown on our billing for the loss of channels with the fight with disney?

  • Aubreymedlar
    Aubreymedlar Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I would like to know why our bills aren't dropping seeing as how we have less channels with Disney pulling out? We still pay for channels we don't have access to?? I will need to see a change in my biling to make up for this, this is the 2nd time we've had this happen and we still continue to pay full price.

  • Iratecustomer1000
    Iratecustomer1000 Posts: 1 Spectator

    We just had a significant hike in our monthly Spectrum bill with added surcharges (why? . . . who knows?), and now . . . boom! . . . no access to the ESPN channel network, either on TV or online (via Spectrum), but hey . . . we'll send you off to subscribe to FUBO TV (??!!). I am angry, and tired of the price gouging on the one side, and removal of services paid for on the other. This is unethical, nothing but pure greed.

    The claims that Spectrum respects their customers and "we have your best interests at heart" . . . ring so hollow right now. I will be looking for another TV provider that understands basic ethics and actually takes responsibility to do what they said they will do, with true customer service.

  • Rkremer6
    Rkremer6 Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    We saw Spectrum's announcement about Fubo providing service to Spectrum customers while contract issues are worked with Disney.

    Service is only "free" for 7 days. Then, we are charged an additional $56.24 per month. Is Spectrum prepare to issue customers a $56.24 credit for not being able to provide the service we already pay for? If not, I hope someone in the legal community files a Class Action lawsuit on both Disney AND Spectrum for not providing the services customers pay for.

    RK, Lakeland, FL

  • Boyd
    Boyd Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    Will spectrum be providing refund for channels I am not getting (ESPN) but my contract says I will?

  • RGriggs
    RGriggs Posts: 1 Newcomer

    The only Disney-owned channel I have ever watched passionately is ESPN for Formula One races. With the recent pullout by Disney, I have discovered how many other channels are owned by the mouse. I have reviewed those channels and found none of them have been crucial for my watching. I find that I could live very nicely with NONE of the Disney-owned content. After counting up how many useless channels (that I have been paying for), I find I do not want to continue paying for ANY Disney service. The steaming offer I just received from Spectrum would cost even more. The best solution for me would be a service lineup with none of the Disney channels- for a discounted price.

  • bobcatfan62
    bobcatfan62 Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    Why is Fubo t.v. free for 7 days and then you have to pay 40.00 after?? Thanks Disney? 

  • rmanning937
    rmanning937 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I received an email from Spectrum assuring me Disney is the bad guy in this big corporate struggle for more profits, offering me 7 free days of Fubo which will turn into a monthly bill of $60-$70. What I did not receive was an assurance that my bill will be lowered to reflect missing content that Spectrum is not providing but is still charging for. Nor was there any mention of replacing the missing content. With the Fubo offer, it looks as if Spectrum is encouraging its subscribers to go elsewhere. I also have internet and home phone through Spectrum, but do you honestly think I am going to pay Spectrum well over $200 per month and not be able to watch ESPN and some of the other channels on my TV!?!

  • pip03141953
    pip03141953 Posts: 1 Spectator

    Don't care that Disney is gone. Never watched it anyway. We should be able to have a few choice options for its replacement, though. How about the Military Channel? My husband, father, father-in-law, brothers, friends, nieces, etc. have all served but we have to pay more to get it.

  • micklesh
    micklesh Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum acts like a petulant child with its “Disney bad/we good” prompts every time one foolishly tries to see if coverage has been restored. You’re looking worse in this fight, Spectrum. And just to what app are you sending us every time I turn on the box? Grating!

  • Mike987382892
    Mike987382892 Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    Can someone please explain what I’m paying for? Multiple commercials while watching movies are unacceptable. Losing multiple channels with this Disney dispute- unacceptable. Very dissatisfied with this.

  • guitarman70
    guitarman70 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    We dismayed at the removal of so many (Disney) channels lately. Why do we have to pay for full service when part of channel picks are gone [ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Deportes, ESPNU, ESPN News, SEC Network, ACC Network, Longhorn Network, FX, FX Movie Channel, FXX, Freeform, National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Mundo, Disney Channel, Disney Junior, Disney XD, BabyTV] . Why pay for a full service if many channels are gone? We may be looking at other avenues for tv since Spectrum doesn't seem to be able to get the channels back thus far!

  • don12345
    don12345 Posts: 2 Spectator

    How much will we be rebated by Spectrum while Disney channels are not offered?

  • don12345
    don12345 Posts: 2 Spectator

    There is as much blame on Spectrum as on Disney. Situation is totally unacceptable!

  • G_Man718
    G_Man718 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Good riddance to Disney and ESPN. They are trying to use cable money to cover their streaming losses and then say that they will offer a streaming option for ESPN threatening cable companies. I do not watch Disney and I honestly wouldn’t care less about ESPN. I can find alternative games to watch. Remember everyone, this isn’t the first time Disney has pulled this with providers. Why are they so scared to allow us to choose whether we want Disney or ESPN and let us not pay for it. Stand up to them Spectrum, just make sure you credit us the true cost and not just $2.

  • CEvans
    CEvans Posts: 1 Spectator

    I am very disappointed in Spectrum's blame and pushing it all on Disney; Spectrum needs to remedy my programming and either obtain the channels for which I have paid, or reset their pricing and rebate spectrum customers based on the loss of over 10 plus channels. Spectrum continues to have a current history of several wifi/channel interruptions and failed service and now says Disney pulled programming and Spectrum says they are working for their customer base, but in their statement about Disney pulled from YouTube, yet today I have YouTube and are getting Disney channels and all the ESPN channels?

    Spectrum certainly can afford whatever Disney has offered, so do right by your customer based and get our channels back or revise your TV/Cable pricing and rebate your customers for September billing.

    Spectrum calls is Charter in Georgia, another name in North Carolina, but mainly Charter is failing, yet Charter is Spectrum? Spectrum's internal struggles as a collective business model has not been corrected to date with their affiliates or their customers - but now you need to step up to the plate and get it right to and including your failure of providing channels for which we purchased as part of TV programming plan.

    I personally will expect a pricing rebate and channel changes and billing next month!!

  • lewlew52
    lewlew52 Posts: 1 Spectator

    I am fixing to change providers. It is the start of College Football and I have none of the ESPN channels.

  • DeBaxter
    DeBaxter Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum please do not bow to Disney, we applaud you for standing your ground. We are learning that we can do without these Disney owned channels. Thank you.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,668 Contributor


    All of the blame is on Disney here. The channel provider is host of the TV stations. They provide the programing. Spectrum only gets the rights to broadcast the channels, monitor the signals and network, and provides the equipment needed to get their services. The Spectrum employees and customers are all in the same boat here.

    A customer called in today, and the rep said that he/she could take a $15 credit now. (Which would appear on their next bill, or wait until the dispute is resolved to perhaps get a higher credit.) But, right now, we don't know how long the blackout will be in effect. The rep said if you take the $15 credit now, you would not be able to ask for a second credit if the blackout continues beyond one month. However, Spectrum management has not decided if additional credits will be offered or not.

    The $15 credit is the value that Spectrum believes the channels are worth on the assumption that this gets resolved within a maximum of one month's time.


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,668 Contributor

    More Information,

    Spectrum has talked about a gradual move to streaming TV over cable TV. But they will do it slowly. The Disney stand-off sticking point remains. Spectrum wants to include ESPN/Disney streaming services automatically for any customer who has those channels in their packages. Disney wants customers to pay extra for those streaming services like other companies.

    In other words, Spectrum wants Disney+/Hulu+/ESPN + to be like MAX. (The former HBO Max, which all subs get with an HBO subscription automatically.) If people pay for sports and entertainment for these channels as part of their bill, the streaming services that accompanies those channels should be part of any rate increase.

    Disney wants customers to be forced to pay a huge rate increase and continue to provide their streaming channels also for a fee! (I mean, look at these two options, it is clear that Disney is to blame here!)


  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,668 Contributor


    This Disney Company is not the great Disney company, which I grew up with as a kid! Walt Disney wanted an emphasis on entertainment, fun, and happiness for kids and families to enjoy with their movies, rides, and theme parks. Excitement, imagination, and innovation was the original concept of Walt Disney.

    Today, this Disney company has become a concept of greed, customer manipulation, and refusing to adopt to modern technology. These concepts certainly do not put kids and families first! Disney has had these blackouts with other providers like YouTube TV, and Sling in years past. Now Spectrum.

    Poor Walt would be spinning in his grave if he saw what this company has become. Depriving kids and families of entertainment is not what Walt Disney had in mind!


  • charlescollins
    charlescollins Posts: 2 Spectator

    Why do a ton of trash programs, pay Spectrum $289 a month, and cannot watch the Houston Astros without paying another $29.95 a month ?! I can pay MLB $29.95 a year and steam all the Astros games. Looks like it is time to look into satellite and streaming options. Almost $300 a month and they want more!!!!! Give me give me give me

  • charlescollins
    charlescollins Posts: 2 Spectator

    There are tons of programs that no one watches, and when viewing, it is understandable. I probably limit my viewing to about 5 stations. I wish Bravo would disappear with all the other personal problem networks. Throw in the KarTRASHians and all The Real Whores from Wherever. And make them disappear as well. I'm done. Spectrum has stepped on my last nerve. Time to look for a provider that cam give me what I want, not what they think I need.

  • Fedup_1
    Fedup_1 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I can’t believe that Spectrum wants me to sign up for another paid service just because they can’t provide me with the one that I’ve already paid for! How about a refund on the services that are not being provided? Or give me some free channels without having to sign up for a trial that only last seven days, then you have to pay for it! Seems like with the writers and actors strike going on right now, Spectrum should be trying harder to keep my programming on? If y’all don’t get this thing back and fixed by next week, I will be calling the dish net work or signing up for YouTube TV! The alternatives to the spectrum TV are looking better every day.

  • catchtwentytwo
    catchtwentytwo Posts: 169 Contributor

    Let's put this dispute in perspective: 

    Over 2,000 Killed in Morocco Quake - https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/rescuers-hunt-survivors-morocco-quake-with-over-2000-dead-2023-09-10/

    “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.” - Helen Keller - https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/745061-i-cried-because-i-had-no-shoes-until-i-met

  • RangerLou
    RangerLou Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    Very disappointed in Spectrum. It's not only the sports options - including the ACC Network, it's also National Geographic, which has great programming and Freeform, etc. To no longer have these channels and continue to charge for them is criminal. Give us what we are paying for or reduce the charges, it's that simple. I see the NY AG investigating Spectrum in the near future. Tell us, Spectrum, are your business decisions really about the customer anymore? I've appreciated the convenience of Spectrum Cable services, it's unfortunate to be in this situation, forcing us to seek alternatives. I've tried calling into Spectrum, the recording says they can't take the call, overloaded with calls. I've gone to their website to communicate with them, they direct me to Disney execs, apparently they are not interested to hear from their customer, we are NOT a factor in their business model anymore.

  • Micra
    Micra Posts: 3 Spectator

    America’s only major tennis tournament women’s final yesterday: …”She (Gauff) is the youngest American, male or female, to win a US Open since Serena Williams did so at age 19 in 2001.” Too bad we didn’t get to watch that.

  • 1Cape42_
    1Cape42_ Posts: 1 Spectator

    Missing Disney Channels with All the local sports programing. When will Proper Settlement be forwarded to me. I have paid for the programs that were unavailable over the past weekend. Please let all know what the up to minute status of the settlement is. Thank you

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