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Why am I hearing that some of my Disney-owned TV channels, including ESPN, may go away?



  • Unknown
    edited September 2023
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  • bailey_wf_56
    bailey_wf_56 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Access to ESPN programming is one of the two reasons I subscribe to Spectrum TV. Now that I can no longer access ESPN, I am having a very hard time justifying the money I am paying to you guys for your streaming TV package. If you value your customers, you will find a way to get this programming back online... without increasing my cost. It is ridiculous that you cannot figure this out. And you want me to send a message to Disney??? Like that's really going to help. I will wait 2 weeks before I pull the plug... but if it isn't available by 9/17/23, you can color me "gone".

  • DTurkin
    DTurkin Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Am I going to get a reduction in my bill now that I have far fewer channels to watch? Instead of trying to sell mobile plans (and sending mor junk mail) concentrate on your crappy service.

    HARLEM Posts: 7 Participant

    I see a class action lawsuit brewing against Spectrum unless they reduce our bills or provide comparable service to access missing Disney content.

    Why would anyone pay for Fubo and add cost?

  • NTXGma
    NTXGma Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Really outrageous that the 1st eagerly awaited weekend of football was ruined by you SPECTRUM--not Disney, but you! Just unbelievable that you let 14 million plus subscribers lose ESPN and related networks! Get it together FAST--it has been an entire weekend of blacked out ESPN which is NOT acceptable, I have never considered opting for another cable company or DirectTV, but I certainly am now (and I'm betting thousands are feeling the same way)! You need to get ESPN back immediately!

  • Laie4me
    Laie4me Posts: 1 Newcomer

    So we just received a $25 increase yet they now don't have Disney, ESPN, HGTV,TLC due to a dispute. I called and they gave me a ONE TIME credit of $15.00. If I want channels that have golf, football I can go to FUBO for $54.00 per month. Spectrum is running their customers out. Have been with them almost 17 years. Guess it's time to move providers. Oh wait, there is nothing. We are held in captive by Spectrum. Bad business, Bad customer service. Just crappy all around. Now what for us on social security. Start reading books by candlelight?

  • SoCal_man
    SoCal_man Posts: 1 Newcomer

    The good news for me is that on Tuesday I’m cutting the cord and going with 100% streaming services for TV and movie entertainment. This will save me about $75 a month by my calculations. Thanks Spectrum for finally pushing me to do what I should’ve done a long time ago: cut the cord. Good luck with Disney…won’t affect me, but there are a lot of subscribers hoping you guys reach a settlement.

  • Krash
    Krash Posts: 2 Spectator

    We are paying for the Spectrum TV Select package which includes ABC, FX, FXX, Disney, Disney Junior, ESPN, ESPN, ESPN News, and others. Since these channels are no longer available under the plan for which we are paying, Spectrum is committing fraud by charging customers for a service for which they promised and are not delivering.

    Channel lineup:

    Demand a refund from Spectum!

  • NanaTC
    NanaTC Posts: 44 Contributor

    You should have received an email with the subject, " New Feature Just For You". If you did there is a link in it that says "Bookmark This Page", click on it and you will be taken to the page to edit the channels.

    It works, I did it today.

  • LSG
    LSG Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum needs to make sure Disneychannels,ESPN are continued without raising our rates. The executives with Disney and Spectrum are probably all millionaires.We are just regular folks that want to watch TV. Our cable bill is already outrageous. This is why so many people are dropping cable. Please work this out as quickly as possible.

  • misterjaysir
    misterjaysir Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I did some research and it looks like to me that this is a fight between two giant corporate structures trying to see who will blink first. Both in the short and long terms, the customer loses. We lose the channels. We lose out on our money and value. And it's all so that these two money hungry companies can make more. It's terrible and I'm doing more research into changing platforms now. Spectrum lost my business.

  • Cronk
    Cronk Posts: 4 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    We all signed up for the packages that included all the Disney Channels affiliated with our Spectrum packages. Do we get a discount due to your inability to structure your corporate agreements properly? Your customers shouldn’t have to loose out based upon your peeing contest.

  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 8 Participant

    My cable bill went up $12 last month and now all Disney channels are gone. I am a big tennis fan and was so looking forward to watching the US Tennis Open. To say I am pissed is an understatement. And to make matters worst Spectrum provided a link as an alternative to Fubo or YouTube but that requires a subscription fee to get those providers. Why would I pay double to watch the US Tennis Open when I already paid Spectrum? If Spectrum does not offer a refund for these lost programs then I am going with another provider. Not only will they lose me as a cable customer, they will also lose me as an Internet an phone customer was well.

    I wish cable companies could offer an ala carte menu where you only pay for channels you actually watch or want. I have to pay for over 175 channels but only watch about 20 of them.

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  • Krash
    Krash Posts: 2 Spectator

    Spot on. Spectrum is not providing access to all the channels in the package we pay for so they should provide a refund for every channel in the package that we cannot acceess.

  • olddog71
    olddog71 Posts: 9 Participant

    Since we no longer get the Disney channels will our bill be prorated, and will we be reimbursed the days we no longer get these channels?

  • catchtwentytwo
    catchtwentytwo Posts: 186 Contributor

    For those suggesting class-action, you should read the Terms of Service EVERYONE agreed to when their service began that limits us to binding arbitration or small claims court. https://www.spectrum.com/policies/residential-general-terms-and-conditions-of-service

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,838 Contributor


    You can call and get a One Time Credit of $15. (For the loss of ESPN/Disney Networks) While I agree that this credit should be applied until the Disney/ESPN channels are restored, a $15 one time credit is nothing! The CSR only knows the services on the account by looking at the account. The only time that managment will auto-credit is for things like national disasters or events that impact all services. Like hurricanes, Or the time when sports credits were applied for COVID-19, because there were no sports to watch.

    I personally am waiting til a deal is reached and than will decide what to do at that time.


  • Losing all of these channels are an inconvenience in life but it's not the end of the world. We all have choices in what we buy and can definitely comparison shop and buy elsewhere. That is what America is all about; having the freedom of making choices and choosing another company to get your internet and cable channels from. No, I don't want my Spectrum cable subscription to go up in price, and it sounds like if Spectrum is going to keep the ESPN and Disney channels, that is exactly what will happen; so maybe it is finally time to come to the realization that there are other alternatives out there and now is the time to make that move.

  • Grump
    Grump Posts: 1 Spectator

    Glad Spectrum is holding the line. Cable is already too expensive, which is why people are "cutting the cord". The only thing we watch on Disney is Jeopardy on channel 7.

  • Mlamere315
    Mlamere315 Posts: 1 Spectator

    We just changed our plan to basic and you pick 15 changed channels cause every few months the bill went up. We had 2 boxes internet and dvr and it was $250per month. Now we changed it and out if the 15 channels I believe 4 out if the 15 channels we picked are nomore. Why do we still have to pay for that? And if anything can we change the channels that are blacked out? I read when we first started you can change 1 channel a month. You guys are no time Warner. They always listened to the customer and helped them if they couldn't pay the day it was due. You guys just shut it off. We asked 1 day to hold off cause Friday is when we get paid and you guys did not care. If money means that much to you guys then I see why you guys are losing customers.

  • Tom1501
    Tom1501 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum has an obligation to supply the programming we signed up for. The fact that you have lost customers to streaming services is not our problem. If you do not work this out and restore my ESPN immediately, I will cancel all my services with spectrum and go somewhere else. Your call. Everyone I have talked to has said the same thing. You are playing hardball because you have lower customers/revenue. You are about to lose a lot more customers very soon. Maybe look into your own streaming service to stay with the times. You are gonna pay for this hardball stance I promise.

  • sinmane1
    sinmane1 Posts: 1 Spectator

    you claim Disney wants more money and you're holding out

    but you just raised rates and took away channels. more money less channels.

    use that grift to pay Disney

  • mjgillen
    mjgillen Posts: 7 Spectator

    I’m leaving if I can’t watch Monday Night Football. You have until then…

  • tscurlo
    tscurlo Posts: 9 Participant

    "Spectrum is on your side and fighting to keep costs down"

    OK.... Spectrum is on my side to "Keep Costs Down"????

    They why, when the Disney channels went off the air.... you raised my monthly bill $7.00 per month????

    WOW..... you sure are trying to keep my bill down.

    I'd drop Spectrum in a heartbeat.... if it wasn't for my elderly mom using Spectrum also. I have to have it,

    to help her every time she calls me asking... Now How do I do this... or what channel is that on. Etc.

    JSDNYC Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Cable operators are sweating over cord cutting, yet they allow channels to go dark in the midst of their disputes.Yes, programmers are greedy, but so are operators. And you wonder why customers are getting their scissors out. It is imperative that you work out a scenario whereby your customers do not lose channels while you're negotiating. Is it really worth it to you, Spectrum, to lose even more customers than you already are? Not the brightest decision. I wonder how much money you will ultimately have to pay when customers demand credit for the loss of services or we switch to Verizon.

  • NanaTC
    NanaTC Posts: 44 Contributor

    Spectrum isn't worried about losing customers. If they were they wouldn't be recommending Fubo.

  • Susaneve
    Susaneve Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I really don’t care about the dispute between Spectrum and Disney. You’re both greedy as hell and the customer is the loser. I’d like to know why we’re still paying the same amount for a package that doesn’t include ESPN, FX, or ABC? I’ve signed up for YouTube TV. It’s cheaper and has all those channels, as well as unlimited DVR accessible from all your devices, a service which Spectrum does not offer. If I like it, I’ll just cancel my cable or reduce my package to the basics. Spectrum and Disney, you’re cutting your nose to spite your face. I don’t know anyone under 40 who even has cable, and these kinds of disputes will just hasten cable’s death.

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