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Why am I hearing that some of my Disney-owned TV channels, including ESPN, may go away?



  • Nananan65
    Nananan65 Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    So Spectrum thinks Disney's increase in pricing is excessive. Really? I've had a total increase of $20.31 during 2023 (2 increases, one in February and now one beginning the month of September). A total of $10 in increases for internet alone. We need some serious competition here!! My grandchildren don't pay these outlandish prices so I need to get them in here to hook me up and lower my costs!!

  • Samsaunt1031
    Samsaunt1031 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If you would spend less money on advertising our Bills would cost less and you could pay Disney. The channels lost, some of which are sports, are something I enjoy. Also National Geographic. Get them back on or I am taking my business elsewhere. That includes TV, Internet and Mobile Phone.

  • Cvcassingham
    Cvcassingham Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I read about the dispute in the Wall Street Journal this morning. The truth is… Disney offered an extension to negotiations which would have kept ESPN available but Charter declined with the consequence being no USOpen coverage for their customers. The dispute is not about the cost to continue carrying ESPN rather, Charter wants to offer Disney’s Disney+, ESPN+ and Hulu free to their customers to which Disney said no.

    BAD MOVE on Charter’s part to allow popular programming go dark as a tactic in their negotiations.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,839 Contributor

    I found out one of the major stumbling blocks with the dispute between Disney and Spectrum:

    Spectrum wants to give its customers ESPN+ and Disney+ as free streaming apps ,for which all other subs have to pay . This means that if you have ESPN and Disney, you would get the + apps for free. (Like HBO+Max.)

    Disney is saying, "No way will we offer those streams for free."


  • Unknown
    edited September 2023
    This content has been removed.
  • Unknown
    edited September 2023
    This content has been removed.
  • Enigma
    Enigma Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Totally agree. That is a good chunk of high demand channels spectrum has cut, but I’m sure we won’t see any change. It’s football time, may be the excuse I need to switch to YouTube tv.

  • Jregulator54_
    Jregulator54_ Posts: 2 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    Since both are NOT available is there going to be a DISCOUNT given on Spectrum future billing?

  • Jregulator54_
    Jregulator54_ Posts: 2 Spectator

    Is Discount going to be applied to future billing

  • jackpinetrail2005
    jackpinetrail2005 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Don’t feed us this “we are on your side” garbage and then request us to do your dirty work by contacting ESPN’s parent company.

    How much is my account going to be credited for each hour all of these stations are not available?

    Every time a cable tv or sattelite tv network pulls this Sh**, it clearly show that they have no love for their customers.

    Work it out ... now .... it will be a major pain when I have to switch my $300+ account to fiber

    Networks that charter has shut down:

    ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Deportes, ESPNU, ESPN News, SEC Network, ACC Network, Longhorn Network, FX, FX Movie Channel, FXX, Freeform, National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Nat Geo Mundo, Disney Channel, Disney Junior, Disney XD, BabyTV

    ABC On Demand programming and the following local ABC stations: ABC7 Chicago, ABC7 Los Angeles, ABC7 New York, ABC7 San Francisco, ABC11 Raleigh-Durham, ABC13 Houston, ABC30 Fresno

  • Valoyce
    Valoyce Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum is just as bad as Disney! You both are making tons of money and instead of absorbing the new costs, either company, and keeping our prices the same, you fight with each other and the CUSTOMER LOSES by taking away our viewing channels or charging us more or both. The profit both companies make is crazy and the salaries of middle management and executives are out of control so you charge us more or take away channels so everyone in these companies gets their annual raises and bonuses and your customers pay for it. Corporate greed at its best and you think putting up a notice against Disney makes you the good guy. We see through this. Both of your companies are bad; greedy. Time to switch and even give up my precious "In the Papers"!

  • irsless
    irsless Posts: 1 Newcomer

    So let me get this right. You are increasing my bill and the Disney related channels are not available including the sports channels. In addition you suggest I subscribe to Fubo for an additional $60+ dollars a month?

  • Smitty20000
    Smitty20000 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I pay spectrum for that programming and therefore it is on them to figure it out. If they expect me to complain to Disney that's a bunch of bull. I know if it is not resolved in short order, they will permanently lose my $300+ a month.

    HARLEM Posts: 7 Participant

    Spectrum you must do better. Not only is it offensive to ask customers to now subscribe to an additional service like Fubo to get access to the lost Disney channels, it’s even MORE offensive that you haven’t even made an attempt at compensation customers who are now paying the same price for less service.

    We didn’t sign up for that!

  • Squirrellydan
    Squirrellydan Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum going to lose millions in one week. Gonna show bud light how it’s done, huh? Already scheduled my fios installation for sept 9th. Goodbye and good riddance!

  • Sdodder
    Sdodder Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I understand Spectrum wants to protect rate hike due to the dispute. With that said, why would you choose to block the 3 biggest channels in college football. It makes no sense to me unless you blocked those channels to piss off your college football viewers. Makes me think about going with satellite. GET THIS RESOLVED!!

  • schafnbake
    schafnbake Posts: 1 Newcomer

    It is funny how Spectrum is upset with Disney rating rates when Spectrum does it every year. I also find it amusing that Spectrum gives us links to complain to Disney. Where is the link to complain to Spectrum. I give Spectrum a week to fix this or I am moving to another streaming service. Ridiculous to lose sports channels when the US Open and football are in full swing.

  • Rastus
    Rastus Posts: 1 Spectator

    "As we work to resolve this programming dispute with Disney, our customers may now change their channel selections DAILY by simply visiting disneyespnfairdeal.com."

    You probably got this email just like I did. And I went to change a channel selection BUT there is no way to do it on the hyperlinked page. So, along with the constantly pixelated low resolution TV signal, Spectrum has delivered another load of BS.

    My current bill is within $2 of Youtube TV. Won't be long now and I'll be gone.

  • AntDude
    AntDude Posts: 169 Contributor

    Spectrum, please give us (TV subscribers) lower prices/credits ($15 more than one time) until this Disney conflict is resolved.

  • ldberger44
    ldberger44 Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Spectrum has a dispute with Disney, so we're not getting any Disney channels (for which we are still paying), and Spectrum's solution is to offer us a "special deal" on Fubo which will cost at least $56 per month. But I don't see anything about Spectrum reducing what we pay to Spectrum to offset what we would have to pay to Fubo.

  • AGSurratt
    AGSurratt Posts: 1 Newcomer

    This dispute is absolutely ridiculous. Two media titans arguing over money neither one of them needs, and who suffers? Not them, us.

    Tell me, Spectrum, did you think I'd get mad at ESPN? Think again. I *already paid you* for ESPN this month, and you're holding it back. So, when are you going to refund me?

  • 007
    007 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Please don't give in to greedy Disney. And for those idiots blaming Spectrum, clearly you have never been in a high level negotiation meeting before.

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,839 Contributor


    I think Disney is to blame here more than Spectrum. For evidence, here is an article showing how the attendance at their theme parks has plummeted and all Disney cares about is profit. This is no longer "The Happiest Place on Earth." It's greed. The article makes some good points!


  • ldberger44
    ldberger44 Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I just received my next monthly bill. It is slightly higher than last month, and yet, I have no access to any of the Disney channels.

  • rhynomp
    rhynomp Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Screw Disney. Don't give them an inch. They're a horribly run company and don't give a flip about their customers. Don't give in Spectrum!

  • JB_In_Ohio
    JB_In_Ohio Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I can and will discontinue my Spectrum cable.

    This was the last straw. Trying to figure out what streaming services I need to get what channels I need the I'll finally pull the plug. It's getting ridiculous.

  • Dwoody41
    Dwoody41 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hiw can I/we all be paying $271.00 monthly, with NO movie channels, and Spectrum and Disney cant figure how to split your riches??? So we lose our channels in the middle of a once a year tournament? Shame on you both. It is too timely to be anything but a ruse to raise the monthly rate even more. Again, SHAME ON YOU BOTH.

  • AL6
    AL6 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum is ridiculous! If you lost Disney then you need something to replace it or reduce your pricing for consumers who are missing tons of programming. Spectrum holding consumers hostage… you have to have Spectrum to watch Dodgers baseball so you can’t drop them but if you want ESPN you have to add on another expensive streaming service from their “partner” Fubo. All of them are taking advantage of the consumer!

  • SailorTom
    SailorTom Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    Dear Spectrum,

    Please spare us the propaganda. What you accuse Disney/ESPN of is exactly what you are doing.

    Let your subscribers choose their channel lineup. You are paying for channels I have no interest in seeing and passing those costs on to me.

    Your response to this dispute provides a link to a website which allows a complaint response ONLY to Disney and not Spectrum. So, you are not listening to your subscribers. SHAME.

    Get your act together at Spectrum. Listen to your subscribers. Let us choose!

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