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Why am I hearing that some of my Disney-owned TV channels, including ESPN, may go away?



  • psgobucks
    psgobucks Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    Wow, you fight over price/value and the customer pays the price...you are on a path to losing a lot of customers including me!!!! Cable will be included!!!!

  • TKS
    TKS Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited September 2023
    Hey Spectrum! I am paying for your service which includes ABC programming. Get it together with your Charter dispute so that customers do not lose access to a major network. Maybe penalize Spectrum employees rather than your high paying customers?? The lack of access today (9/5) follows the Spectrum outage (phone, internet, TV) yesterday for 5 hours. Customers pay too much to be bumped from a network in addition to outages!
  • SoCal_Input_2023
    SoCal_Input_2023 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Thank you Spectrum, for holding the line. I suggest you tell Disney that you'll pay them 10% less than the last negotiated renewal, to allow their content to be delivered by your platform. Then make your customers happier by lowering our monthly fees accordingly. Please don't pay a penny more at this renewal with Disney. We can find our favorite sports on streaming media, so don't cave please. I STRONGLY dislike Disney, I have for 46 years now.

  • bzbx23
    bzbx23 Posts: 5 Spectator

    This is from an article on the Disney/Spectrum contract dispute. It appeared in today’s Yahoo Finance News and tells you all you need to know about Spectrum and their interest in your wants/needs as a cable subscriber. “Charter/Spectrum apparently wants to transition away from cable television to focus on its broadband and wireless businesses. The reason? It knows more and more customers are cutting the cable television cord in favor of streaming.”

    (emphasis mine)

  • TylerG_1
    TylerG_1 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I will run….Not walk to streaming. Have it now at condo out of town and do not miss cable one bit. If not fixed immediately we will just cancel everything. Too many other choices and less expensive options in 2023.

  • Krop_12
    Krop_12 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Agree with most, Soectrum has no interest in keeping our bill down as we are held hostage. They pull this last minute while Us Open, College Football, Formula One is on and they tell you the day of and blame it on Disney. I want to email the Disney execs to tell them not to settle with Spectrum as they , Spectrum cares less about pricing…. Any normal business would negotiate ahead of time and inform customers of what may happen, but then again Spectrum is no normal business. Direct TV/Dish Network are looking better and better…

  • Joek
    Joek Posts: 1 Spectator

    The Walt Disney Company has removed their programming from Spectrum.

    We offered Disney a fair deal, and yet they continue to demand an excessive increase.

    Sounds like the kettle calling the pot black.

    Spectrum continues to raise rates on long time existing customers and cry’s poverty when they get handed the same BS.

    They offered No discounts for the loss of channels. Probably time to cut the cord here as well.

  • Cocoa_1Sugarbear
    Cocoa_1Sugarbear Posts: 1 Spectator

    Will our monthly bill reflect the loss of channels being paid for and not received as a result of Disney negotiations? Will there be a class action lawsuit involving paying for services not being received?

  • Larry
    Larry Posts: 5 Participant

    The obvious solution is to pay Disney and then put all the Disney channels into a separate add-on package like Specturm as with the Sports View add-on package. That way customers that want the Disney channels can pay for the additional channels. If a customer does not want to pay the cost or want the Disney channels, then they have the option of not adding the package to their current plan. It just irks me to pay for channels that I never watch. I wish there was a way to offer an ala carte system where one could only pay for the channels one wants.

  • vlf
    vlf Posts: 1 Newcomer

    At this point, the whole thing is very frustrating. However, I see that my Spectrum bill has increased even though I am getting fewer channels. If Spectrum is not paying Disney, my bill should be going down, not up.

  • Gary_Kat
    Gary_Kat Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    Why are you raising my bill when Spectrum is taking away channels? About ready to dump Spectrum

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,668 Contributor

    @Larry The obvious solution is to pay Disney and then put all the Disney channels into a separate add-on package like Spectrum as with the Sports View add-on package. That way customers that want the Disney channels can pay for the additional channels. If a customer does not want to pay the cost or want the Disney channels, then they have the option of not adding the package to their current plan. It just irks me to pay for channels that I never watch. I wish there was a way to offer an ala carte system where one could only pay for the channels one wants.

    I like that idea Larry,

    Bring back the ESPN channels and than put the Disney Channels into an optional tier. I was looking at streaming options from other companies, and almost none of them have local channels, and a very, very, very small line-up compared to what Spectrum has. Sling, for example has only FOX and maybe NBC, no HBO/MAX and only about 60 channels when you combine the Orange and Blue package,

    I agree with Spectrum that streaming should be an "option in addition to viewing your regular channels" in your plan. Spectrum wants anyone with a Disney plan, (Which is on Entertainment View) to be able to get the ESPN+, Hulu+, and Disney+ apps for free as part of their package. Disney wants customers to pay an added fee for the streaming apps, when they already have the channel in their package.

    If you are already paying for any channel in your plan, that streaming channel should be automatically included in your subscription. But Disney wants people to pay added fees for their streaming services in addition to a big rate increase, and that's not right.

    I was telling customers if ESPN was not owned by Disney and not a part of this blackout that 80-90% of Spectrum TV subscribers would not care. NFL Football, College Football, and the US Open, are more important to most subs than Mickey Mouse and Disney cartoons. If Spectrum/Disney could just reach a deal to bring back the ESPN channels, and than work on the children's Disney channels later, most would be content with that.


  • Dgoare1
    Dgoare1 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Time to start receiving a credit on the Monthly bill! It’s far too high to start with and without ESPN/ Disney it’s not worth even having spectrum cable. Cable is simply a convenience that’s easily replaced by a few apps! I mostly watch ESPN, Disney+, and Netflix and my streaming bills cover those!

  • pmathews
    pmathews Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I too plan to discontinue Spectrum! It's ridiculous how they keep on adding charges and trying to convince me that I should be happy that I'm getting some kind of bs promotion. Not done yet only because I need time to bring this stupid box back to the store. I'll close this account soon!!!

  • Abcshopper
    Abcshopper Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Since we have lost the Disney owned channels, we, the customers, should not have to pay for them. Those channels were the only channels I watched. Now I am continuing to pay an amount for cable that was already over priced before we lost these channels, and now I am paying that amount for channels I care nothing about. If you look at the channel listing, we, the customers, are paying for duplicate channels, or more, of the exact same channel. They make you think you are getting this huge package of channels, but really, you are not, maybe not even half of what Spectrum leads you to believe that you are getting. Now that the Disney owned channels are gone, it would only be right that our bill reflects that huge loss, by reducing our monthly bills. In fact, I am demanding a refund of the current bill for those channels, and would like an accounting that shows just what we actually pay for each and every channel Spectrum claims we get in our packages. It is our right to know!

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,668 Contributor
    edited September 2023

    Welcome @Abcshopper!

    You can call in and get a one-time credit (-$15.00) for the loss of ESPN/Disney channels. Personally, I think that this credit should be applied until the dispute is resolved! Whether or not additional credits will be applied if the blackout continues is unknown.


  • Levimw23_
    Levimw23_ Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    The dispute largely boils down to cost and flexibility. Disney has long provided its channels to Charter for a high premium. The previous deal between the two companies cost Charter $2.2 billion annually. During this negotiation, Charter agreed to Disney’s rate increases in exchange for bundling ad-supported streaming apps with packaged linear products. Disney declined this offer, but offered Charter an extension to keep its networks on the cable provider during negotiations. That was declined by Charter, hence the lawsuit.

    Following the failed negotiation, Disney urged Charter’s 14.7 million subscribers to ditch cable for Hulu with Live TV. It should be noted that the streaming option is majority owned by Disney.

  • Spiral
    Spiral Posts: 1 Spectator

    We are really unhappy about being steered to pay for another service to get ESPN etc when we should be getting these included as they have been. If I am going to pay for YouTube tv why should I keep paying for Spectrum? Hmm.. now there’s an idea. The only ones who suffer in these disputes are the consumers.

  • Beachbum520
    Beachbum520 Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    I just got off the phone with a Spectrum rep discussing the Disney fiasco. They generously offered me a $15 discount! What a joke! The amount that we pay to them is ludicrous and $15 is not going to keep customers with all of the streaming services available. Spectrum needs to support existing customers before they no longer have any.

  • jasondean
    jasondean Posts: 66 Contributor

    The unfortunate thing is that we have to call and get the credit. I just received my Sept 3 - Oct 2 bill and the Broadcast and Sports Surcharge went up $3.00. Effectively paying more for less. The bill should have gone DOWN $15 until the matter is resolved. They want to pro-rate a partial month service when they sign a carriage deal? That's fine. It should be illegal to charge us for service they cannot deliver.

    Now for the dispute side of things... Disney/ESPN (as with every other provider) forces the cable company to bundle and put on the basic tier to say they have more potential viewers and it drives the cost down per subscriber. I agree that those of us that don't watch XYZ shouldn't have to pay. That's where this is going in the long run as you'll start paying higher fees direct to the provider and cable will have to adapt. It's great that Spectrum says they're doing this for the consumer but in the end the Cable Co and the Provider will win and we get to pay more for less.

    I'm contemplating switching to DTV Stream right now as they're the ones that carry what I want to watch. Time will tell....

  • MelRick
    MelRick Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If Spectrum is really on "our side" meaning customers then why isn't the company automatically refunding every customer the money and those whom have the extra sports package their money or at least a prorated amount. It seems to me this is the cable version of a dine and ditch. We should not have to call customer service and wait on hold for an hour asking for a refund. And next month there should be no charge as you are not paying Disney anything.

  • gizmo6525
    gizmo6525 Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'll figure out my programming situation - don't give in to the Disney thugs! We're all struggling to pay our bills, a significant increase will kill us!!

  • Satch
    Satch Posts: 5,668 Contributor

    Hi @MelRick Welcome!

    I agree with you that customers should be getting $15 credits until this dispute is resolved

    Two reasons why I feel this is not happening:

    1.) Spectrum expects this to be resolved within 30 days, and does not see a need to prorate beyond that time.

    2.) Not everyone has Disney Channels. Spectrum needs to look at the account to determine the services that each customer has. (This is why the account check is needed.)

    Past research shows that these TV vendors will only apply auto-credits if the following happen:

    1.) An incident happens beyond a customer's or company's control for an extended period of time. (Beyond the 30 day billing cycle.)

    2.) Such incidents make all content impossible to watch. (A national disaster such as weather. Credits were also auto-applied for COVID back in 2020, when no one could watch any sports at all.


  • Micra
    Micra Posts: 3 Spectator

    They make it difficult to get ahold of someone. Their so-called chat is just a computer with multiple choice responses available to their customers. None of which was “give me back the money I paid for content I am not receiving”.

    The US Open is oven Sunday. America’s only major tennis tournament. It’s too late to ever regain your customer’s loyalty.

  • ___customer
    ___customer Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Of the 1,500 channels that Spectrum provides, I watch 2 (and they both begin with the letter E). I'm giving Spectrum until the first Monday Night Football game to get this resolved with Disney, if they are still dark at kickoff I'm switching Tuesday morning. It's a bummer, we really do enjoy cable, as opposed to clicking around on apps, but as it stands now I haven't even turned the TV on in 7 days, except to check ESPN to see if the message has "magically" disappeared.

  • bptracker
    bptracker Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Get an ESPN deal done, there is no way that nationwide the $80 billion dollar a year cable conglomerates can't make cuts and continue to provide service. Sling Orange is $20 so I will take my $15 credit and guess where my business and tv watching is going and based on what they offer and it's cheaper than cable bills for what I watch, I may not return.

  • Yamasongs
    Yamasongs Posts: 1 Newcomer

    SPECTRUM needs to just get ESPN back ASAP.

    I'm looking to end my account if they don't settle soon. This is messed-up.

  • sydfynch
    sydfynch Posts: 1 Newcomer

    For as long as you have been gouging me With fees on everything even actual modems to connect to your service at ridiculous price ten times what it would cost me to buy one. I think the $15 credit should exist on the bill until you can workout your problems with Disne.

  • Leigh24
    Leigh24 Posts: 1 Spectator
    edited September 2023

    Why can't I get someone from Spectrum to answer my call regarding this issue. They automatically hang up on me. My bill keeps going up and fewer channels are now unavailable. On a fixed income and they want to offer FUBO to add $70.00 more to my account. Not O.K.

  • owenweis
    owenweis Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If spectrum is no longer paying for disney/espn, then why are spectrum customers not receiving a discount on our bills?

    Spectrum states that disney/espn was already very expensive for them. They are saving a whole lot of money and just keeping it. They are making more and we are getting much less. Not fair or equitable

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