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Discussion List
Twitch Dropping Thousands of Frames and Unable to Stream on $103 Spectrum Ultra ConnectionHello, I've been struggling with dropped frames and connection issues with Twitch since I started s…Answered Closed rowleyweb 697 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by mstoner82 Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present
Netgear C7800 Firmware UpdateI have contacted Spectrum support multiple times about receiving an updated firmware for my owned m…Answered ✓ Closed dadbaud 343 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Renee_T Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present
Upgraded to Gig Internet, quite disappointed for gamingI recently upgraded my spectrum Internet plan from the base plan of 250 MB down to gig Internet and…Answered ✓ Closed kahlon 2.2K views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by kahlon Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present
Xbox Series X screen cutoff on hallmark channelsThe screen is cutoff when watching the hallmark channels on the Xbox series x. I know this channel …Closed Masked_Bandit 748 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by HT_Greenfield Spectrum Archives: 2020 - Present