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Why am I hearing that some of my Disney-owned TV channels, including ESPN, may go away?



  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    After looking at the list, I realized the only 2 channels I watch are the ESPN and Nat Geo channels. I would rather do without them and take a few more dollars off my monthly bill.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    So they send us to FUBO and expect us to pay for Spectrum and FUBO just because they can't manage their the contracts. Why pay for something twice. Wonder how much Spectrum is getting in kick backs from FUBO.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    Just wanted to let everyone know that Spectrum does not prorate you service if you cancel. We went two days into a new cycle and had to pay for a whole month.

    I plan on cancelling but will wait till closer to when my period is over.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2023
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  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Sad this disagreement is being done when it hurts the customers who watch football most. Spectrum should refund all effected customers for services we are not receiving until we actually receive what we pay for. It’s not OK to keep increasing our bills when you don’t reliably provide the services we signed up for.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    What break in our monthly subscription will we receive with the discontinuation of the Disney programming effective Thursday, August 31, 2023? My grandkids watch the children's shows and I watch live sports such as the US Open.

    I do not want to pay for channels I do not watch but Spectrum doesn't offer a discount. We are simply told, "That's part of the subscription package." Yet, your response to Disney demonstrates you are attempting to utilize the same argument I've addressed with your customer service reps.

    "We offered Disney a fair deal, yet they are demanding an excessive increase. They want to limit our ability to provide greater customer choice in programming packages forcing you to take and pay for channels you may not want. "

    You claim X amount of available stations and as customers want us to pay for them but my household does not utilize the shopping networks, various all-news feeds, etc. Please explain the difference as from my perspective, Spectrum is doing the same thing as Disney wants to do.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I don’t entirely agree. ESPN is probably the only consistent programming I watch. College Football and F1 Racing. Currently this moves to the top of my list of complaints with Spectrum.

    1.) Loss of ESPN

    Solution: Get rid of other worthless channels that Spectrums buys to just fill up their offering of 100’s of channels.

    2.) Why was I given 4 different boxes? Between my wife and 91 year old mom they get loss and I spend an hour weekly untangling the frantic pushing of buttons.

    Solution: Supply me with a DVD box and 3 of the same boxes. Request has always been tossed into the trash by customer service.

    3.) Installation was not close to what was promised. The installer literally ran the cable along aside of the driveway for at least 125 feet of exposed orange cable. Not encased in a PVC tubing or something more protective than exposed cabling.

    Solution: Properly install the cabling.

    Spectrum is not a saint in this matter. If anything it is a lack of planning; forward thinking, the “what if’s”.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Get rid of 'WOKE' money hungry Disney! ESPN and ACC are the only networks I watch that are owned by Disney. I can get these from a streaming service.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    Your homepage should be plastered with an explanation of what has transpired up until now, and what you are doing to try to rectify this cluster. Crickets.

    Gutless. You are willing to provide contact info for Disney but not for Spectrum.

    You deserve to lose your entire customer base.

    Incomprehensible how this could have occurred with NO notification to your subscribers.

    This is on you, Spectrum.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    I believe Spectrum deceptively concealed the Disney negotiation to in part induce millions of customers to make their monthly payment for servivces (e.g. ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU, ABC) they are not receiving. In my opinion that is potential consumer fraud and violations of various state merchandising practices acts for deceptive business practices. The services were pulled right before a holiday weekend when college football is beginning and the US Open is on tv. Spectrum did not want customers to leave them so I believe Spectrum concealed this Disney issue and potential loss of these servcies. Millions of Spectrum customers are paying for Disney services they are not getting from Spectrum. Besides Spectrum is not trying to save customers money. My bill alone has increased $30+ a month in 2023. They increased the price of boxes and other services which has nothing to do with Disney. That is a money grab by Spectrum. In order to return the boxes a person has to buy new smart tvs or a Roku stick. Spectrum removed all promotions for current customers so there is no discount on cable, internet, or phone services even if you bundle all 3. Spectrum used to run promotions for existing customers not anymore. We had a storm in our area in early July 2023. 100,000+ power outages. Spectrum had less than10,000 customer outages. All electricity was restored within 7 days. Spectrum was unable to restore services to their customers within 7 days when they had less than 10% of the power outages. Besides Spectrum is a tehnology company and their app which is supposed to update customers on outages provided no details or information to customers after the storm. The electricity company which is not a technology company has an app that provided up to date details about outages, work tickets pulled to restore power, and estimates for restoration of power. I was repeatedly told Spectrum services would be restored in 24 hours and they were not. I was the one who found the source of the Spectrum outage and reported it to Spectrum. After 5 days Spectrum still had not pulled a service ticket for numerous customers without service from one node. Poor technology. Poor management. Poor leadership. And now I believe deceptive business practices to keep customers.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Since Spectrum is no longer providing ESPN or ABC, where is the rebate? I just paid my cable bill  the day before the announcement and would have cancelled my cable had I known I would no longer receive these channels the very next day.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    Spectrum is not on our side trying to save the customer money. You really think after Spectrum negotiates a deal with Disney your monthly cable bill with decrease? That is laughable. Specturm and Disney are for profit companies that have to report financials and increase shareholder return. The executives who do not return higher revenue and shareholder value get canned. Between Spectrum poor leadership and management on restoring services after storms to concealing Disney negotiations before a holiday with football and the US Open to induce existing customers to make monthly payments. There are plenty of alternatives to Spectrum and that is what shoud scare Specturm and stockholders. Spectrum executives should be concerned about a shareholder lawsuits for a stock price drop for a loss of customers and revenue. Spectrum has a lack of transparency which does not allow their customers to make an edcuated decision about where to get their services. If Spectrum was confident about their ability to deliver high quality services for a reasonable price then they should be transparent with customers but they are not confident in their abilities so they hide information from their customers.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Spectrum needs to fix this. What a refund as not getting what I paid for. If this is not fixed soon, I will be leaving Spectrum. Nothing but greed by Spectrum and Disney. Customers are getting screwed.

  • Posts: 5 Spectator

    There was no advance notice from Spectrum about the possibility of losing the Disney owned channels, but that is par for the course from Spectrum Customer Service. (sidebar: I'm not surprised many MAGA or DeSantis fans are negative towards Disney, as indicated by other posts. You can always put a lock on those channels if you don't want anyone to watch the U.S. Open or college football in your house.)

    When we first signed up for Spectrum Silver TV bundled with Spectrum Internet, we paid $160.43. That was 10/2019 without a discount on the price. We paid that amount until 10/20, when the cost increased $30 to $193.91. In July 2021, it went up $10 to $204.16 which we only paid for 3 months before another increase raised Spectrum's charge to $231.76. May 2022, saw the price go up to $249.23, but only 5 months later to $265.50. We paid that price for another 5 months before Spectrum raised it again to our current charge of $280.49.

    In almost 4 years as Spectrum customers, our charge has been raised at least 6 (SIX) times. From $160 to $280. We added no new services or equipment. We have "planned maintenance outages" without any advance notice, and inclement weather outages on clear days. The Spectrum app and website are frustrating at times and neither provides an email address for anyone at the company. I expect to be able to contact Customer Service by email when issues require more than what can accomplished by chatting with their worthless bot or first line employees. The same treatment is provided via phone.

    Our internet is advertised as "Up To 300 Mbps" but ~125 Mbps is the fastest download speed that my wired router has measured. "Up To 300" equals all speeds lower than that all the way down to double digits. At least I have never measured download speeds in single digits.

    We will not be Spectrum customers for much longer. It's no wonder cable companies consistently poll as one of the least satisfactory industries. A monopoly feels no need to sincerely respond to customer feedback or needs.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    ESPN blackout during the first week of ncaa football? Fine. I'll watch fox sports and btn. We know you're losing revenue since going woke, but I'm not paying for it.

  • Posts: 5 Spectator

    FUBO with the Spectrum discount is still $55/month with no free trial period. In essence, Spectrum's answer to Disney's dispute is to offer to let you pay an additional $55. Has anyone heard of a discount or allowance for the loss of all the ESPNs, FXs, NAT GEOs, etc? I have not.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer
    edited September 2023

    Spectrum's on your side, by not lower your bill, but taking all your channels away, then blaming Disney, good one Spectrum, it's all Disney's fault. That's like ford, selling me a car without tiers, and blaming Goodyear for it. Ever see our cable bills spectrum, you got the money, pay it. or lose all your customer in a month during football season. I'm sure the extra cost will be past on to your customers anyway, but love the notice, me and the buds getting ready to watch the game, watched the pre-game then poof it goes out, with some whoa is us message that this all Disney's fault what a joke. Assuming giving the current political climate they thought that was a winning idea, fyi, it wasn't. Because Disney doesn't send me a bill, you do. And last i checked, i have less channels, and my bill is still the same. We are all literally paying the same for less now, much less. My guess there's already a deal, and this is a con job playing off football fans, do it just long enough to get folks to pick up Disney streaming, then magically poof, back on Spectrum. You heard it hear first. Pick up WOW, more reliable, faster speeds for less, better customer service and no surprises. It's funny can tell radio affiliates have been instructed not to talk about this or face the consequences of it.

  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    May I ask for an estimate as to when we might have our sports channels restored? We will not be without the very long before we are forced to switch to another provider.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    There may very well be legitimate issues to negotiate. But, Spectrum never should have allowed their negotiations to deteriorate to this point. They've played Russian Roulette , and we, their customers, have lost!

  • Posts: 1 Spectator

    I am disappointed that the Disney channels have been removed from the channel line up. I understand and hope that negotiations are ongoing and will be resolved shortly so that the channels will return to the lineup.


  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    If Spectrum doesn't provide ESPN before College Gameday starts at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning, it will lose thousands of customers including me.

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    Spectrum should give customers the option of paying more for ESPN You shouldn't be making decisions for us you are getting ready to lose a lot of customers Go ahead with your BS excuse that this is Disneys fault You made the decision to not accept the terms so it is on you the crap channels you offer without sports channels are pathetic YouTube, directTV, ATT are all looking in their rear view mirror at Spectrum You are the PAC 12 conference Dead and gone

  • Posts: 2 Spectator

    Why has Spectrum so mismanaged negotiations with Disney when its competitors still have workable relations and their customers can enjoy Labor Day Weekend? Spectrum played Russian Roulette and We’ve lost.

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  • Posts: 1 Newcomer

    All Charter Spectrum does is increase their prices and fees. What is Earthx, Chime, Circle, Story and Stellar? Mostly useless channels. Sometimes they don’t even work. Nothing I want to see on any of them. Disney, on the other hand, has programs that I want to watch.

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  • Posts: 1 Spectator

    Spectrum Management: you were so outplayed by Disney- pathetic. You could have negotiated an interim Holiday Weekend fix to allow ESPN to carry the US Open. You know you won't get the deal you want & the additional cost (as always) will be passed on to the customers.

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  • Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Spectrum shame on you …. don’t you get enough money from us ? you’re blaming Disney, Disney’s blaming you, but in the long run the customer suffers so now there’s no Disney Channel no FX no Nat Geo no ABC 11 news. That’s one of the main reasons I have spectrum, so I will be calling and canceling my service and I will be switching my Internet to someone else. There’s a Facebook group that started today because of this and it already has 1 million people and 90% of them are canceling spectrum so you lost more money by not making a deal

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